Death of Elizabeth II: the queen was “under respiratory assistance”, revelations of an expert

by Clare Dominic
Death of Elizabeth II

Death of Elizabeth II – Queen Elizabeth II breathed her last on Thursday, September 8, 2022. While her state of health had been deemed “worrying” by her doctors saddened earlier in the day, the columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste” Bertrand Deckers revealed that she had been placed under “respiratory assistance”.

The world has just stopped in the United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of 96, this Thursday, September 8 in her Scottish castle of Balmoral, as revealed by Buckingham Palace in a statement. “The Queen died peacefully in Balmoral this afternoon. The King and Queen Consort will remain in Balmoral tonight and return to London tomorrow,” the official document read. A few hours earlier, she had been placed under medical supervision by her doctors.

Concern had already spread to the country last Tuesday, when the monarch had organized the transfer of power between Prime Minister Liz Truss and the outgoing Boris Johnson. “The Queen received Liz Truss at Balmoral Castle today. Her Majesty has asked him to form a new administration.

Mrs Truss accepted Her Majesty’s offer and was appointed Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury,” the royal family posted on twitter, unveiling a photo showing bruises on her hand.


At that time, “we find her very tired, very weakened,” reported the journalist Bertrand Deckers, specialized in royal families, this Thursday in the program Touche pas à mon poste. “In the aftermath” of this event, “we learn that she is on respiratory assistance,” he said, adding that this information fell “today“. “I think I was at that time, one of the first to be informed,” he said in order to give credibility to his remarks, before adding: “In London, we already knew that we were going towards this inevitable end.” Bertrand Deckers also said that Queen Elizabeth would have died at 4:10 p.m. this afternoon.

Elizabeth II in shape: goodbye to the cane, she receives all smiles in Windsor!

Death of Elizabeth II: the queen was “under respiratory assistance”, revelations of an expert

Death of Elizabeth II

The Queen’s health had deteriorated over the past year. She had limited a number of her travels, whether at the time of the jubilee last June or for other occasions. She left behind Prince Charles, now King Charles III, at the head of the British monarchy. The country has just entered a ten-day period of national mourning.


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