Disney postponed Avatar sequel to 2031 finale
According to Variety, the disney announced on Tuesday (13) that it will delay the release of the next sequel by one year. “Avatar”. With that, the last film in the series will now not be released until 2031; Check out the new release date below:
Avatar 3: December 19, 2025
Avatar 4: December 21, 2029
Avatar 5: December 19, 2031
Avatar TheWay Of Water is coming to Blu-ray – Playback/Instagram
In addition, according to the magazine, the company also postponed other films on the Marvelas “Deadpool 3” and “Captain America: Brave New World”. Producer Jon Landau talks about delaying the Avatar movie so that all the post-production work can be done expertly.
“Each Avatar film is an exciting but epic undertaking that takes time to reach the level of quality that we as filmmakers strive for and that audiences expect”he explained. “The team is hard at work and can’t wait to bring audiences back to Pandora in December 2025.”
The franchise has been a huge success. The first movie, avatar (2009), was the highest-grossing film in cinema history, grossing $2.9 billion worldwide. The second film opens in 2022, adding $2.3 billion to the box office. Both are available on disney+.
In an interview with the magazine empirethe producer Jon Landau detailed the third film in James Cameron’s multibillion-dollar franchise, which will feature the actress who will play the head of the Fire Tribe, which is The Ashes of the most aggressive and violent Navi people known as “the people”.
Second Jon Landauactress Oona Chaplin, granddaughter of Charles Chaplin, will play Varun, the leader of the embers, that will explore a further side “bad” of the Navi. The actress also played the character Talisa Maegyr in game of Thrones.
“There are good humans and bad humans. It’s the same on the Na’vi side.”stated the producer. “Sometimes people don’t see themselves as bad. What is the cause for them to reach that point that we perceive as evil? Perhaps there are other factors that we are not aware of.”he concluded.
Other new arrivals on the calendar include a live-action Moana starring Dwayne Johnson on June 27, 2025, and a new sequel to the 16-year-old Alien franchise.
Featured Photo: Disney pushes openings of all “Avatar” films one year forward. Playback/Omelet
Disney postponed Avatar sequel to 2031 finale
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