Fame ruined relationship on display

by Xavier Catherine
Fame ruined relationship on display

Fame ruined relationship on display

Last Wednesday (3) it was aired on the channel GNTthe first episode of the program “Kitchen Soul” commanded by the boss Paola Carosella. Its debut was marked with the presence of the champion of BBB 21, Juliette Freire33, who commented a little more about his life post-reality.

In the conversation, the presenter questioned the guest about how she deals with her personal life and fame, quickly Juliette responded by exposing the difficulties he has faced, especially in relation to novels,

“The people I interacted with after I became famous didn’t like it. It was a problem. Everything very exposed. When I didn't even have a relationship yet.

Since emerging victorious from the most watched house in Brazil, the woman from Paraíba has never publicly assumed a relationship, but she has already been caught several times with possible affairsamong one of them, with the producer Daniel Trovejaniex-boyfriend and current partner of Anitafrom who Juliette is a friend. Although not confirmed, the funkeira ended up revealing their romance during an appearance on the program “Sunday with Huck”when she reaffirmed that the champion was catching yours ex.

Juliette with Daniel Trovejani, Anitta's ex (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The relationship that would have started in July 2021 yielded several “clicks”however, did not have its expected follow-up, and for Juliette high exposure was one of the main reasons

“There were a lot of people on top, it harmed the process of getting to know each other naturally. We've come to the point where we've given up on being famous. I chose not to expose myself on the internet so that this is no longer a reason for entertainment“, vented.

In April this year, the lawyer was seen accompanied by the athlete Kaique Cervenyidentified as her possible new boyfriend, the couple would still have been photographed enjoying a romantic program at Rio de Janeiro, however, so far neither of them have come out publicly.

Juliette with Kaique Cerveny (Photo: Reproduction/Extra)

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Still in your conversation with the chef, Juliette also spoke about the xenophobic attacks she receives daily, since when she was still confined in the BBB

“I talk like this, it's me. I don't need to change. Not to mention the people who imitate me”he explained.

Juliette won the BBB 21 with more than 90% of the votes.

Featured Photo: Juliette Freire. Reproduction/Instagram/@juliette

Fame ruined relationship on display

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