Fuzuê: Gabriel Mandergan says goodbye to Maçarico
Gabriel Mandergan celebrates the success of his character Maçarico, in Fuzuê, a 7pm soap opera, which has its last episode aired this Friday, March 1st.
Proud to play yet another villain in his career, the actor spoke about the challenges of his role in Gustavo Reiz's plot.
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In the plot, Maçarico experienced several remarkable situations, such as the kidnapping of Preciosa (Marina Ruy Barbosa) and Luna (Giovana Cordeiro), for example, where he did away with a stunt double and had to face the challenge alone.
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“I drove the car alone at high speed and had to carry Marina Ruy Barbosa on my lap, struggling. It was funny, because we had to repeat the scene several times and to take her into captivity, we had to climb a hill, even though she was light and completely in shape, it made her a little tired and worked up a sweat (laughs)”, said the actor.
Fuzuê: Gabriel Mandergan says goodbye to Maçarico
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