Harrison Ford reveals fitness secret at age 80
Harrison Fordreleased during the famous film festival of Cannes, his most recent work. At 80 years old, the heartthrob, stars in the movie “The Call of Destiny“, sequel to the saga of the success of Indiana Jones. The fifth film, brings the famous character of Harrison Ford, venturing as the archaeologist who conquered the general public, with his actions trailblazers and heroics. At the peak of maturity, the star has been the subject of comments and praise, after passing through the red carpet of the event, which takes place on the shores of the blue coastline, the trendy riviera french.
Harrison Ford on the red carpet next to Calista Flockhart, with whom he has been married for over a decade (Photo; Getty Images)
The celebrated artist, when asked about his good shape and “youthful” appearance, displayed during filming of the feature, Ford said:” And so I think it was used very skillfully. I’m really happy about it, but I don’t look back and say, I wish I was that guy again, because I don’t want to. I’m glad I was, you know what? I’m really happy with age, I love being older”celebrated. “Let me tell you. Yes, I can ride a horse… if they let me”, said the American star, when commenting on the scenes, which appeared riding a horse. Responding to curiosities from the audience, if he usually practices a sport to stay active, he confesses: “Thanks. I didn’t mean to be cruel. I forgot everything until, ‘Can you ride a horse?'” he added, eliciting laughter.
Star alongside actress Phoebe Waller-Bidge, and director James Mangold (Photo: Getty Images)
Featured photo: Harrison Ford. Getty Images.
Harrison Ford reveals fitness secret at age 80
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