Heaven + New Album Coming Now!

by Clare Dominic
Heaven + New Album Coming Now!

Heaven + New Album Coming Now!
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Niall Horan used the networks this Thursday (16) to announce the release of his new single “Heaven” from the album The Show. The single is available on all digital platforms.

The track had previously been announced by Niall on his Instagram saying “I couldn't be happier to tell you that my new single 'Heaven' will be released on February 17th.” In just a few hours of release, the single has already reached more than 100 thousand views on YouTubemeeting the expectations of fans who say they can't stop listening.

In his latest post on Instagram, Niall published a video in which he is writing a letter and reading it to his fans in gratitude with a behind-the-scenes look at the new album.

Video: A letter from Niall Horan to the fans. (Reproduction/Instagram)

The album “The Show” is scheduled to be released on June 9th this year, and to warm up the fans Niall published about “This album is a piece of work that I am very proud of and the time has come to pass it on to you. Thank you so much for being with me all this time and I can't wait to share the next few years with you in this new era. I missed you guys a lot. It's good to be back. Welcome to The Show“.

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Cover of Niall Horan's third solo album. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Niall has been feeding fans with hints of what was to come from the new project for months. Before announcing the release of the track Heavenhe shared previews of the song on social media, posting an acoustic part of the song giving a taste of wanting more.

The singer has been sharing with his fans since last year some news that he had in mind for 2023, and on his Twitter he shared that he had been working on new material “It's been a while, which I know you're all very aware of. But I just wanted to update you on what's going on. I am back. I have new music coming in the new year that I'm really, really proud of“, he shared. With the release of Heaven we can already imagine that the album has beautiful tracks.

His last work was the album Heartbreak Weatherreleased in 2020. His first solo album, Flickeris from 2017. In 2018, Niall visited Brazil with shows in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Featured Photo: Cover of Niall Horan's single 'Heave'. Reproduction/Instagram

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Heaven + New Album Coming Now!

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Heaven + New Album Coming Now!

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