How to lock any app with Face ID on iPhone

by James Williams
How to lock any app with Face ID on iPhone

How to lock any app with Face ID on iPhone
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Apple has allowed apps on the iPhone to be locked using just Face ID or Touch ID for a few years now. This feature is important, as it allows for greater security and privacy in apps that the user does not want to be opened by third parties.

Some developers need to enable this function in their apps, which prevents Face ID from being used in some of them. However, the feature ends up being even more necessary in apps that do not automatically have this blocking layer, to protect sensitive information such as personal data and files.

If you want to learn how to use Face ID to protect applications on your iPhone, see the step-by-step guide below, both for apps that already have the function and for those that don't yet. Check it out!

Information in a blocked app won't appear elsewhere on your device, such as in notification previews, search, Siri suggestions, or call history.

When you block or hide an app on your device, it is blocked or hidden on that device only. An app's locked or hidden status doesn't sync with iCloud.

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Table of Contents

Block an app

Some of the apps that come with iPhone can't be locked, including Calculator, Camera, Clock, Contacts, Search, Maps, Shortcuts, and Settings.

Time required: 5 minutes

  1. Go to the Home Screen.
  2. Find the app you want to block.
  3. Long press the app icon to open the quick actions menu.
  4. Tap “Require Face ID”
  5. Tap “Require Face ID” again and authenticate with Face ID

    Ready! Now the app will ask for Face ID to be accessed.

  6. Open an app that is blocked

    – You can open and use an app that you have blocked.
    – Go to the Home Screen.
    – Locate the app you want to open.
    – Tap the app and authenticate with Face ID (or Touch ID or a code).

iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Plus (Image: Disclosure/Apple)

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Unblock an app

You can unlock an app so you no longer need to use Face ID to open it.

  1. Go to the Home Screen.
  2. Locate the app you want to unblock.
  3. Long press the app icon to open the quick actions menu.
  4. Tap “Do not require Face ID” (or Touch ID or Passcode) and authenticate with Face ID (or Touch ID or a passcode).

Hide an app

When you hide an app, other people are prevented from seeing or opening the app.

When you hide an app, its name will still be visible in some places, such as Screen Time, Battery Health (in Settings), and your App Store purchase history.

You can't hide apps that ship with iOS 18 or later. You can only hide apps downloaded from the App Store.

  1. Go to Home Screen
  2. Find the app you want to hide.
  3. Long press the app icon to open the quick actions menu.
  4. Tap “Require Face ID” (or Touch ID or Passcode).
  5. Tap “Hide and Require Face ID” (or Touch ID or Passcode), authenticate with Face ID (or Touch ID or a passcode), and tap “Hide App.” The app will disappear from the Home Screen and be moved to the Hidden folder at the bottom of the App Library.
Image to illustrate tutorial on the iPhone lock screen
Image: Isaac Martin/Unsplash.

Open a hidden app

You can open and use an app that you have hidden.

  1. Go to the Home Screen.
  2. Swipe left through all the Home Screen pages until you reach the App Library.
  3. Tap the Hidden folder at the bottom of the App Library and authenticate with Face ID (or Touch ID, or a passcode). The app appears in the Hidden folder.
  4. Tap the app and authenticate with Face ID (or Touch ID or a code).
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Show an app

You can stop hiding an app so you can see and use it.

  1. Go to the Home Screen.
  2. Swipe left through all the Home Screen pages until you reach the App Library.
  3. Tap the Hidden folder at the bottom of the App Library and authenticate with Face ID (or Touch ID, or a passcode).
  4. To move the app out of the Hidden folder, long-press the app, tap “Do not require Face ID” (or Touch ID or a passcode), and use one of these ways to authenticate. The app appears near the top of the Library Apps.

How to block any app using Face ID on iPhone

Check out the step-by-step guide to use the feature in applications that do not have the function activated.

  • Open the Shortcuts app (if it is not installed, download it for free from the App Store).
  • Tap the “Automation” tab and “Create Personal Automation” (or first tap the “+” in the top right corner, if you already have automations configured).
  • Scroll down a little, choose “App” and, on the next screen, choose the one(s) you want to use for this purpose. Select “OK”, keep the “For Open” option checked and tap “Next”.
  • On the “Actions” screen, choose “Add Action” and look for “Lock Screen”.
  • Go to “Next”, uncheck “Ask when Executing”, confirm “Do not ask” and tap “OK” to finish.

Ready! Now, whenever you access the app, the locked screen will be shown. Authenticate using Face ID and swipe up to open it.

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How to lock any app with Face ID on iPhone

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How to lock any app with Face ID on iPhone

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