How to put notes on your Instagram profile on your PC

by James Williams
How to put notes on your Instagram profile on your

How to put notes on your Instagram profile on your PC
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Instagram's “Notes” feature allows you to share short messages that are visible for 24 hours. It is similar to WhatsApp “messages” or subnicks from the old MSN Messenger. Notes appear at the top of followers' inboxes and responses arrive as direct messages (DMs).

Although the feature is available in both the app and the browser version, there are differences between the two platforms.

In this article, we explain how to use the Instagram Notes function on PC.

Instagram Notes / Credit: Instagram (reproduction)

What are Instagram Notes?

Instagram Notes are short text messages that allow up to 60 characters, including letters, numbers or emojis. The user can share the note with their followers, or, if they prefer, with their mailing list. Best Friendsif you have this option in your profile.

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To the notes last for 24 hours and are visible at the top of your friends' inbox. Anyone who views your note can interact with it, sending responses that arrive directly in your message box as DMs (direct messages).

However, it is worth highlighting that, when accessing through the browser, Can't add song snippets to your notesa feature that is only available in the app version.

Instagram Notes / Credit: Instagram (reproduction)

Read more:

How to Add Notes to Instagram via PC Browser

Although the process is similar to the application, there are small differences when accessing through the browser. Check out the step by step:

Time required: 2 minutes

  1. Access Instagram via browser

    Open the Instagram website and log in. Click on the direct messaging icon (Direct or Inbox) in the top right corner. Then go to your inbox, where there will be the option to add a note.

  2. Enter your note

    In the top left corner of the screen, you'll see your friends' notes. Your profile photo will appear with a text bubble. Click on it. A field will appear for you to enter your note. Write up to 60 characters, using letters, numbers or emojis.

  3. Share your note

    After writing, click Share in the top right corner. Your note will be shown to your friends on Instagram, both in the browser and in the app.

  4. Edit or delete your note

    To change or delete your note, click your photo in the top left corner again. Choose between creating a new note or deleting the current one, depending on your needs.

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The Notes feature on Instagram on PC is a great way to share quick messages with your friends.

How to put notes on your Instagram profile on your PC

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How to put notes on your Instagram profile on your PC

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