How to reset Mac to factory settings

by James Williams
How to reset Mac to factory settings

How to reset Mac to factory settings
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Many reasons may make you want to factory reset a device, even devices like a MacBook or iMac. Whether it is due to system slowness or some other problem, carrying out the procedure may be the best way to solve it.

Formatting to reset the computer to factory settings and erase all your data is also used in sales situations, where it is recommended that you pass the device on to someone else without leaving your personal information on it.

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Whatever the reason, if you need to reset a MacBook or iMac to factory settings, check out the step-by-step instructions below. There is

Table of Contents

How to reset Mac to factory settings

Before explaining how to reset the device, it is important to remember that you need to make a backup of your data. This way, you can recover everything you have on it, and access it after the device is restarted, on the next device or on your computer.

It is also recommended to log out of iCloud to disable the Search option, and erase any trace of personal information that may remain on the device. To do this, follow the path:

  • System Preferences
  • Apple ID
  • Overview
  • End Session

Finally, before carrying out the reset procedure, it is important to know which processor the device is equipped with.

How to Backup macOS

There are two main ways to save a backup of your iMac or MacBook: in the cloud or on an external drive. Carrying out the procedure is quite simple, and if it is done directly on the device, you will only need to configure it once to have all your files saved and safe.

Backing up macOS with Disk Utility

  1. Connect the flash drive to your Mac.
  2. In Finder, go to Applications > Utilities and launch Disk Utility.
  3. Select the hard drive you want to reformat in Disk Utility.
  4. Click Delete and confirm.
  5. Rename the hard drive (for example, “Mac Backup”), and choose a new volume format from the following options:

    If you're not sure which option to choose, go for Extended (case sensitive, daily). This keeps your data organized and differentiates folders by uppercase and lowercase letters.

    • macOS Expanded (Journal)
    • macOS Extended (Case Sensitive, Journaled)
    • MS-DOS (FAT): for Windows volumes 32 GB or less
    • ExFAT: for Windows volumes over 32 GB
  6. Click Delete and confirm.
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Backing up macOS with Time Machine

  1. Go to System Preferences > Time Machine and make sure it's turned on.
  2. Under Select Backup Disk, choose your hard drive.
  3. Click Options to make sure the settings are set to back up everything you want to save.

Time Machine will begin performing automatic backups, allowing you to recover all data from the moment the process was started.

Backing up your Mac with iCloud

  1. Go to System Preferences and click on iCloud.
  2. Enter your Apple ID and select the service you want to store in the cloud.
  3. Click the Options button next to Photos.
  4. Select iCloud Photo Library, My Photo Stream, and iCloud Shared Albums.

Formatting your iMac or MacBook

After all preparation steps have been done, shut down your computer. After identifying your processor, proceed step by step to reset it.

Time required: 20 minutes

  1. Mac with Apple Silicon

    Turn on your Mac and press and hold the power button.
    The boot options window will open.
    Click “Options” (gear icon) > “Continue”.

  2. With Intel processor

    Have a WI-FI network connected.
    Turn on your Mac and press one of the shortcuts below for different formatting options:
    – Install the current macOS on your computer: ⌘ Command + R;
    – Install the macOS that came from the factory: ⌘ Command + ⇧ Shift + ⌥ Option + R;
    – Install the latest macOS update, or closest compatible version: ⌘ Command + ⌥ Option + R.

  3. In the Recovery window, click “Disk Utility” > “Continue”.

  4. Choose the drive where macOS is currently installed and click “Erase”.

  5. Choose a name for the drive, keep the APFS format, and click “Erase”.

  6. After cleaning, close the “Disk Utility” window.

    Click “Reinstall macOS Big Sur” (or version indicated by the system) > “Continue”.

  7. Done!

    Follow the on-screen instructions to install the operating system from scratch. If you are going to use your Mac again, just follow the instructions for backing up or configuring your information.

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If you are selling or exchanging your computer, wait until the Setup Assistant starts, press the shortcut ⌘ Command + Q to complete everything and click “Shut down”. As soon as someone else turns on the Mac, they will be able to enter their personal information and complete the configuration.

How to reset Mac to factory settings

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How to reset Mac to factory settings

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