How to update WhatsApp on PC or cell phone

by James Williams
How to update WhatsApp on PC or cell phone

How to update WhatsApp on PC or cell phone
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WhatsApp is the messaging application most used by Brazilians. To ensure proper functioning and access to the new features implemented by Meta, it is important to keep the application always updated.

In this article, we will explain how to update WhatsApp on different devices, whether on smartphones with Android and iOS systems or on computers with Windows and macOS. Check out the step by step below!

How to update WhatsApp on your cell phone


Time required: 3 minutes

  1. Access the Play Store

    On your Android smartphone, locate the Play Store icon among your apps and tap it to open the official Google app store.

  2. Search for WhatsApp

    In the search field at the top of the screen, type “WhatsApp” and press the search button. When the result appears, select the official WhatsApp app.

  3. Check for updates

    On the application page, make sure the “Update” button is visible. If yes, tap on it to download and install the latest update. If the “Open” button appears instead of “Update”, this means that you are already using the most current version.

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iOS (iPhone)

  1. Access the App Store
    Open the App Store on your iPhone from the applications menu.
  2. Search for WhatsApp
    In the bottom menu of the App Store, tap “Search” and then type “WhatsApp” in the search field. When the app appears in the results, tap it to open the official page.
  3. Check for updates
    On the WhatsApp page, check if the “Update” button is available. If so, tap it to start the update. Otherwise, the app is already updated to the latest version, and you will see the “Open” button.
Whatsapp on iOS from iPhone / playback

Read more:

How to update WhatsApp on your computer

If you use WhatsApp on your PC, you can follow the procedure below to keep it updated.


  1. Open the Microsoft Store
    On your Windows computer, click on the Microsoft Store icon or search for it in the search bar, located in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Search for WhatsApp
    Inside the Microsoft Store, use the search field to type “WhatsApp” and locate the official messenger application for PC.
  3. Check for updates
    When accessing the WhatsApp page, see if the “Update” button is available. If yes, click on it to update the app. Otherwise, the “Open” option will be visible, indicating that WhatsApp is already updated.
Whatsapp on Microsoft Store/ playback


  1. Access the Mac App Store
    On your Mac, click the App Store icon that's normally pinned to the app bar
  2. Search for WhatsApp
    In the top left corner of the App Store, there is a search field. Type “WhatsApp” and press Enter. In the results, select the official Mac app.
  3. Check for updates
    On the application page, check if the “Update” button is available just below the description. If there is, click it to update. If the “Open” button is visible, it means that WhatsApp is already in its latest version.
Whatsapp on macOS / playback

Enable automatic updates

To avoid the need to update WhatsApp manually, you can enable automatic updates.

  • On Android: Open the Play Store, go to settings and select “Automatically update apps”. Then choose the option you prefer, such as “Only over Wi-Fi” to save mobile data.
  • On iOS (iPhone): Open the App Store. In the top menu bar, select “App Store” and then “Settings” or “Preferences”. Activate or deactivate the “Automatic Updates” option according to your preference
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How to update WhatsApp on PC or cell phone

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How to update WhatsApp on PC or cell phone

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