“Inside Out 2” opens ticket pre-sales
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Nine years after the premiere of one of the main films from the partnership between Disney and Pixar, Inside Out gets a new sequel that hits theaters on June 20th. But for the most eager fans, pre-sales of tickets are now available in all cinema chains in the country.
The Inside Out Story
Released in 2015, Inside Out marked the childhood of several children around the world, who followed the daily life of the young girl Riley, who lived, inside her head, with a series of emotions represented by different characters, such as Alegria, Anger, Disgust, Sadness and Fear.
Riley, who is only 11 years old, needs to deal with moving to another city and, as a result, a great deal of confusion arises in the “control room” of her brain, leaving Joy and Sadness out, affecting the girl's entire emotional state. . The film, directed by Pete Docter and Ronnie Del Carmen, was very well received by the public and critics, winning the Oscar for “Best Animated Feature” in 2016.
“Inside Out 2” (Photo: publicity/advisory/Disney Pixar)
What to expect in Inside Out 2
Now, nine years after the first film, “Inside Out 2” is coming, which will present Riley in his teenage phase, where new emotions emerge in the “control room” of his mind, they are: Anxiety, Boredom, Envy, Nostalgia and Shame. Each of them is accompanied by shapes and colors that mark the personality traits of each character.
With the arrival of the new members, the work becomes more difficult and falls on the shoulders of Alegria, who is determined to protect Riley's sense of identity and help her continue to be the happy girl she knows and loves so much. Jonas Rivera, executive producer of the film, reaffirms this: “Alegria likes things to continue as they always have been. She's the type who would say 'last summer was the best ever, wasn't it?'. We always laugh at the fact that we end the first film with Alegria forgetting all the lessons she had just learned. This second film gives us the opportunity to show her learning a new lesson at a very different stage in Riley's life.”
The main character that represents the core of the new emotions is Anxiety, which, since it was presented to the public, has attracted attention with its striking orange appearance and electric, tense and trembling form. “We always see the whites of her eyes, and her feathered hair reveals its constant movements”, describes art director, Jason Deamer. The director of the new feature, Kelsey Mann, highlights the importance that this emotion has in the film. “By trying to keep Riley safe, protected and accepted by others, Anxiety makes Riley change. I think a lot of teenagers go through this; I passed. We change our way of being, we modify ourselves a little to be accepted by others. But should we change our way of being to please people?” it says.
Official poster for “Anxiety” in “Inside Out 2” (Photo: publicity/advisory/Disney Pixar)
Now, fans will need to wait until June 20th to see the new adventures that Riley's emotions will take in “Inside Out 2”, and pre-sales of tickets are now available.
Featured Photo: Inside Out 2 (Photo: Disclosure/Advisory/Disney and Pixar)
“Inside Out 2” opens ticket pre-sales
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“Inside Out 2” opens ticket pre-sales