Internet: reviews on Jewish dating sites 1

by James Williams

Jewish dating sites

Tired of looking for the rare pearl without any success?

Do you feel isolated or do you have no time to devote yourself to the search for Great Love because you are overwhelmed by your professional life or your prejudices prevent you from having a good meeting?

Do not worry Jewish dating sites, such as,, or even, are here to help you save time in your quest to finally find the soul mate and to focus your love research on the essential, namely, your fundamental values.

Thus, you are sure to meet a person of the same faith as you, the rare pearl may not be so far away …


First of all, by the process itself, a single Jewish person, who uses a community dating site, is generally in the optics of making and building a serious, solid and lasting relationship. Finally, registering on a dating site is an effective way to find a partner!

You spend your days at work, don’t you? So use this medium to meet someone who is right for you, with whom you want to share your daily life, go on vacation, celebrate Shabbat, and much more!

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Jewish dating sites

Your soul mate may be one step away from finding your profile, and maybe you are two clicks away from finding theirs! If faith is too important a thing for you to take lightly, then go surf these sites specializing in Jewish dating.

Jewish dating sites


- , “The first dating site for Jewish singles! »  :, online dating site for Jews around the world, born in the United States, has built in fifteen years, a reputation as a quality site. Site In, JDate is one of the hottest Jewish dating sites.

This is why there are no less than 750,000 members throughout the world and no less than 80,000 French singles. The advantages of JDate are multiple: its customer service responds 6 days a week to all requests from members and also provides many advice to Internet users; thanks to JDate, you can keep up to date with upcoming Jewish holidays and Shabbat rules; similarly, the e-magazine, “JMag” allows you to discover new sections such as “JNews”, “JLifeStyle”, “Conseils” and “Success Stories”.

So you can rush to write your beautiful love story once it is done! ; JDate also sponsors Jewish events.


- , “No. 1 in Jewish dating in France”  : With 1,000,000 members, JDream dominates the French market for Jewish dating sites.

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Indeed, created in 2004, JDream was the first French-speaking Jewish dating site. A new version of the site has been in existence since 2009. Registration is free but the free period is however limited. It is a classic dating site, created in 2004, easy to access, with its menus always present (“home”, “search”, “my messages”, “my lists”, “history”, “my profile” , “My subscription”, “my account”, “help” and “logout”).

The seriousness and friendliness of the site have made its good reputation. So do not hesitate! Leave your prejudices aside and let yourself be tempted!

Jewish dating sites


- (“mazal” in Hebrew means “luck”): It is a completely free site where you have the possibility of being “registered member” or “simple visitor”. The design of the site is perhaps less attractive to Internet users than the 2 previous sites, but it is a site that is above all intended to be practical and easy to use.

Dating announcements are posted there and users can respond to them by e-mail, by their Mailbox (Mailbox) or send this announcement to a friend, who might be interested in a particular profile. There are obviously more services available to registered members of the site. If you find some sites too complicated, go for the simplicity of this site!

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- “Free Jewish encounters”  : J✡Link is a free Jewish social network, created in 2015, allowing you to meet and exchange with thousands of French-speaking Jews.

You can consult the profiles of thousands of French-speaking Jews on the site, do a search according to your preferences (age, location, etc.) and add the profiles that you like as a friend. J Link is above all a social site and therefore you will be able to discuss freely with all the members via the forum.

Do not hesitate to consult the “Top members” and the “Top visits”. You can search for users, located in France, Israel, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland but also in the United States.

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