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Finding a Match in the Dating App

During the pandemic period since 2020 here, the use of dating applications has been increasing, especially when the regional quarantine regulations took place. Many single women and men miss dating and interaction with other people, so using dating apps is a solution.

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This is also what Komika Kiky Saputri did, who claimed to have met her lover thanks to the Tinder dating app. While chatting on Instagram Live Popbela x Tinder, last Friday (23/04), Kiky said that initially he did not expect much. He uses the dating application to find friends to chat. Who would have thought, he actually met someone who was really serious about having an affair with him.

Check out, let’s see, tips on finding a mate in the following Kiky Saputri-style dating application.

1. Start with good intentions

Kiky said that she often hears stories about other people’s bad experiences on dating apps. However, he was sure that his intentions were good and not for fun, so he finally ventured into joining the online dating app Tinder.


” At first I was just looking for friends to chat with. I joined Tinder, indeed one of my efforts in finding a mate. Uh, it turns out that I got the right one, the chat continued, finally dating, and now I am preparing for an application, ” he said.

Finding a Match in the Dating App
Finding a Match in the Dating App
2. Pay attention to the bio content
According to Kiky, the bio in the dating app is important. So also write down what we expect on the dating application, what our hobbies or interests are, what we like and what we don’t like.

” In the bio you also have to be honest, you don’t need to exaggerate or boast. Bio can also be a disclaimer, for example, if you want to play around, just swipe left, ” he said.

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Besides that, photo selection is also important. According to him, you don’t need to use excessive filters, it’s better to just appear as they are.

” Now, right, there is also a verification feature to see if the photo is genuine or he uses someone else’s photo. Now, that could be a consideration before we swipe right, ” said Kiky.

3. Be honest with ourselves as well as others
Honesty is also important for Kiky when looking for a partner through online dating apps. Don’t just expect the honesty of others, but we must also be honest with ourselves and others.

” When I meet my current boyfriend, just talk to the point. Because it’s back to my intention, it’s not looking for someone who wants to play around. I also write in my bio, looking for friends who can be invited to have serious discussions about the future. “

Finding a Match in the Dating App
Finding a Match in the Dating App

4. Keep the conversation flowing
Many people feel awkward when they have to chat with new people. That’s why Kiky said that we have to keep the conversation flowing. Don’t just want to be asked, but we also have to ask questions, so that the conversation goes both ways.

” For example, he talks about climbing mountains, oh yes I have too. Keep asking, have you ever been to? Where is your favorite place? So show our interest too, ” he added.

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