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Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart

Breaking a relationship is much easier than keeping it intact. However, who would have thought that most people including you still have difficulty controlling yourself not to ignore your partner when angry? Believe me, damaging relationships isn’t always about behaving rudely or playing hands.

Deciding to stop talking to a partner, not listening, and ignoring him is much more sinister and cruel, you know. In fact, there is never a reason to hurt someone, even a partner, emotionally.

If you feel like you’ve ever behaved as Afrilatest summarizes below, try self-reflection, yes. Treating your partner badly will have a bad impact on your relationship. So, stop it now and don’t repeat!


1. Apply silent treatment to punish him

Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart
Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart

When he does something you don’t like, maybe you’ll just say, “It’s okay”, then your attitude turns cold. Once or twice he may not feel it, it will gradually remain in his heart, you know. You may not be aware, but your partner can get hurt by being left guessing without the slightest explanation.

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As time goes by, you need to change and promise to no longer apply silent treatment, yes. After all, silence without words can never solve the problem, Bela. You will only exacerbate the situation if you constantly use this method when facing an issue.

2. Constantly blame him and behave like a victim

Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart
Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart

Playing victim aka behaving like a victim is often used to maintain control over others without looking like controlling. Maybe subconsciously, you’ve done this one. Instead of blatantly expressing what you want, you press and sulk, acting like he doesn’t understand you inside and out. Believe me, this attitude makes him very tired and frustrated, you know!

3. Bully emotionally (Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart)

Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart
Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart

Using a high-pitched tone aka shouting at him to get what you want is definitely not adult behavior. Moreover, impose wills and do not consider the feelings of the partner. It’s definitely not going to be fair to him! Try to evaluate yourself, yes. Don’t let the ego take over self-control and ruin your relationship. Doing emotional bullying can make you lose your feelings. Don’t want this to happen to you, do you?

4. You ignore him (Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart)

Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart
Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart

Of the many cruel things you can do to a partner, this one is probably the one that works best for him. yes, didn’t hear it when he heard you or switched the conversation when he wanted to tell her something really hurtful, you know.

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Maybe your partner didn’t express his feelings directly. However, it could be that he’s kept everything and you’re making things worse by letting him down even deeper. No one deserves to be treated like this,hmmm

Fix it and change the way you behave, yes. Creating a healthy and loving relationship for each other is paramount. So, throw away your bad habits that can hurt him! If you really cared about him, doing this wouldn’t be hard, really. Tell your partner how sorry you are, because it often goes badly against him or her.

More@AFRILATEST Cruelest Ways To Hurt Her Heart



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