Lil Kleine prosecuted for assault in Amsterdam club

by James Williams
Lil Kleine prosecuted for assault in Amsterdam club

Lil Kleine prosecuted for assault

The Public Prosecution Service is going to prosecute rapper Lil Kleine for assault. The rapper is due to appear before the multiple chamber of the court in Amsterdam on 8 September together with two men aged 49 and 51 from Boxtel. The substance of the case will not yet be dealt with.

Jorik Scholten, as the 26-year-old artist is actually called, allegedly assaulted a man in club Olivia on the Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam on the night of 6 to 7 December 2019. It later became clear that two more suspects were involved.

The 28-year-old victim filed a police report.

The three suspects have been summoned to a so-called preliminary hearing on September 8. That is a public hearing where the court is informed of the state of play of the investigation and at which a decision is made on any requests from the defense, the OM said Friday.

It is likely that it will then be determined when the substantive discussion will take place.

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