“Lula will decide on the future of the GSI and military command”, says Flavio Dino

Lula will decide on the future of the GSI and

“Lula will decide on the future of the GSI and military command”, says Flavio Dino

O Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flavio Dinogave an interview last Thursday (20), at the headquarters of the Justice ministry in Brasilia and said that the president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) will determine whether the Institutional Security Office (GSI) will continue in the government organization. It will also be decided whether the portfolio will be commanded by a military man or a civilian based on the analysis being carried out by the interim minister, Ricardo Capelli.


CNN releases images of the GSI minister, Gonçalves Dias, at the Planalto Palace during the criminal attacks on January 8 (Video: Reproduction/Instagram/@cnnbrasil)

capelli is Executive Secretary from the folder Justicebut took over the ministry temporarily after Gonçalves Dias resign after images were released by CNN show it on Planalto Palace during the January 8 voter attacks. Dino was asked about the possibility of Ricardo remaining in charge of the GSI and he praised Capelli’s ability for the position, but stated that he has a more important fact to discuss first. “Whether or not there will be a GSI, and if there is a GSI, whether it will be commanded by a civilian or a military man”.

Flávio said that the secretary is in office temporarily at the behest of the president, for several reasons, one of which is to study this idea. He said that when Lula returns from the trip he will decide on the nature of the GSI, whether it will continue and how this eventual new structuring will go.

The Minister of Justice said that he spoke about the duties of the GSI in a meeting last Thursday (20) with Ricardo and José Múcio Monteiro, and with the commander of the Army, General Tomás Paiva. Flávio Dino stated that Ricardo Capelli will continue the script for listening and capturing technical information so that Lula can decide when he returns.

The minister also spoke about Brazil having a tradition that the portfolio is led by the military for many years and that the president will see which structure he likes the most and that such a decision is exclusive to him. Flavio also spoke about the attacks on the government and the former minister of the GSI and considered it a “criminal attempt to absolve the terrorists and condemn the victims” and stated that Gonçalves Dias cannot be determined guilty for having resigned. He said that he did not have prior access to the images that showed that Gonçalves was in Planalto at the time of the attacks on January 8th and declared that it would not be up to him to talk about Dias’s resignation, but said that there is no way to say that he is guilty for having resigned and defended him.

“If someone who holds a commission leaves, it doesn’t mean he’s guilty. Sometimes it’s other circumstances,” he said. “From everything I’ve seen, from everything I’ve heard, I can’t believe and I don’t believe – and I say it very calmly – that General Gonçalves Dias acted in concert or in collusion with criminals”finished.

Featured Photo: President Lula and Minister of Justice and Security Flávio Dino. Reproduction/ Jornal Estado de Minas

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Heavy rains and cold lava flows result in 37 deaths and floods in Afghanistan and Indonesia

“Lula will decide on the future of the GSI and military command”, says Flavio Dino

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