Man is mistaken for wild boar and ends up shot and killed on SP farm
Last Friday night (07), an unnamed man was shot and killed after being mistaken for a wild boar. The case took place on a farm in Saint John of Iracemainside São Paulo.
According to information from Military police, four friends were hunting wild boar in the region and would have split into pairs. However, one of the men would have fired at the animal and ended up hitting one of his colleagues.
According to the police, the man who hit his friend fled the scene. The case has been registered as manslaughter and is being investigated by the authorities at the moment. There is still no information about those involved having a hunter record.

Boar. (Playback / Freepik)
A Secretary of Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics of São Paulo (Semil) states that wild boar hunting is prohibited throughout the state of São Paulo, according to State Law No. 16,784, of June 28, 2018 — even though it is allowed by IBAMA. As a result, only wild boar population control is currently allowed through pursuit, capture and direct disposal of specimens.
However, this decision goes against the requests of representatives of the productive sector of the state of São Paulo. “The initiative makes it impossible to control the wild boar population, a wild pig species considered invasive in Brazil, responsible for a great environmental imbalance and transmitter of foot-and-mouth disease”inform the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB), in a note.
In the State of São Paulo, if the rural producer (or any person) wants to become a controller of the wild boar population, he must contact the Superintendence of Ibama.
Featured photo: Man opens shotgun bolt after shot with smoke. Reproduction/Freepik.
Man is mistaken for wild boar and ends up shot and killed on SP farm
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