Mariana Goldfarb reacts to video of Giovanna Roque defending MC Ryan
This Saturday (28) Mariana Goldfarb, used social media to comment on the video in which Giovanna Roque, MC Ryan's ex-girlfriend, appears defending the artist after being the victim of aggression by the singer. In Instagram stories, Mariana mentioned the “emotional dependence” and “abusive relationship” on the part of the artist’s daughter’s mother in her statement.
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In about two publications on her profile, Golfarb reported a report that showed excerpts of the aggression and also Giovanna's statement about the case. In the first story, Mariana wrote: “Good morning with a typical case of abusive relationship and emotional dependence from this girl.”
Mariana reacts to the MC Ryan case. (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@marianagoldfarb)
Afterwards, he pointed out that he was thinking about talking about the topic in a broader way, but he said: “But basically, before physical attacks, verbal and psychological attacks are very common, leading the victim to believe that it is her fault that the handsome guy has 'lost control'.”
Mariana reacts to Giovanna Roque's statement. (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@marianagoldfarb)
Meet Giovanna Roque
Ex-girlfriend of MC Ryan, and this Friday (27) a video was released where Giovanna appears suffering aggression from the artist, they are parents of Zoe, just 10 months old.
Both began a relationship at the beginning of last year, which ended on September 12 of the same year. The businesswoman and also an influencer often shares photos with her daughter on her social networks.
On her Instagram, she has more than 2.2 million followers and, as an influencer, she shares her routine, dances, trips, tips and has her own brand of shoes. After the case of aggression came to light, he made a statement about the case.
Consequences of acts
After the release of a video in which he appears attacking his ex-girlfriend and mother of his daughter, MC Ryan had a show canceled at a festival in Paraná and the press office broke up with the artist, due to the controversy in which the singer is involved. .
Caldi Comunicação and the official profile of Maringá Folia used social media to communicate the decisions linked to MC Ryan.
Featured photo: Mariana Goldfarb reacts to the video of Giovanna Roque defending MC Ryan. Reproduction/Instagram/@marianagoldfarb and @giroque)
Matter put Larissa Brito (In Magazine – IG)
Mariana Goldfarb reacts to video of Giovanna Roque defending MC Ryan
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