Mc Pipokinha – The famous Rua Augusta in São Paulo will be the stage for one of the biggest post-carnival blocks in the city. Alongside Beats, Kat Klub, the new nightclub in São Paulo, will color the street with parties that take place from February 16th to 26th.
Mc Pipokinha
The peak of the party is on the 25th of February, when Mc Pipokinha , a funk and social media phenomenon, will lead the block on Rua Augusta that ends on the Kat Klub stage with his hits and lots of choreography.
The nightclub hosted seven themed parties, in addition to holding a large street block to close. The theme: each of the seven colors of the LGBTQIAPN+ flag that the house embraces and welcomes. Each color has a meaning and will be reinforced in communication and decoration on the day, and also in a special drink on the menu.
one of the main names of funk in São Paulo, with a lot of visibility in the LGBTQIAPN+ scene, in addition to having sold out four nights in a row at Kat Klub. The MC said that she is looking forward to meeting the ‘pipoketts’, her fans:

“The expectation is immense to find my pipoketts in a unique experience singing in a Bloco. Expect a great show.”
After the block, which also features DJ Rocca and Banda Vrá Power, the party goes back up the street to where it all began, for a big closing party at the nightclub, marking the end of the season of the first and unforgettable Block from Kat.
There’s a new funkeira coming to the piece! MC Pipokinha has gone viral on social media, but for a slightly… unusual reason. Her performances are too controversial for a certain audience, but also surprising, causing the singer to have conquered the mark of 1 million listeners on Spotify!
The artist also owns the hits “Bota na Pipokinha”, “Beat do Mario Bros” and “Eu sou a MC Pipokinha”. In addition, she declares herself “queen of slut”.
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