Milei's Argentina votes against UN resolution to end violence against women
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Going against the world when it comes to social issues, this past Thursday (14), the Argentine Republic, governed by President Javier Milei, took a stand against a resolution from the United Nations General Assembly that called for an end to violence against girls and women in the world.
The resolution, which addresses the fight against gender-based violence — a very important global issue, still very present in South America —, generated surprise when it was rejected by Milei's government. The debate driven by the United Nations sheds light on a crucial issue in the contemporary world and encourages its member countries to be active in the fight that aims not only to prevent, but mainly to eliminate any and all types of violence against girls. and women.
The resolution debated at the United Nations General Assembly, despite receiving a single vote against, from Argentina, and 13 abstentions, managed to be approved by receiving 170 votes in favor.
History of contrary and controversial positions
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the Casa Rosada has generated indignation and surprise with its positions in assemblies promoted by the UN, receiving harsh criticism both in the international community and among its population. The most recent controversial case occurred in the debate that addressed the rights of original peoples, voted on last Monday (11). At the time, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gerardo Werthein, was also the only one to vote against the resolution.
Casa Rosada, seat of the Argentine government (Photo: reproduction/Luiz Fernando Zmetek Granja/Getty Images Embed)
Minister replaced for not aligning with the government
Before the current minister took office, the ministry was headed by Diana Mondino. The then minister was fired from the chancellery for apparently not aligning herself with the government by voting in favor of ending the economic embargo imposed by the US on Cuba. By positioning herself in this way, Milei interpreted that Diana would be in favor of Cuba, possibly aligned with communist agendas and against freedom, which could hinder her future relationship with president-elect Donald Trump.
Generating discomfort not only externally but also internally, the government of eccentric president Javier Milei stated, in a statement, that its main focus is to align itself with the democratic ideals of the West and that it will carry out a fine-tooth comb in the Chancellery, the in order to identify those opposed to its government line.
Featured Photo: Argentine President Javier Milei (reproduction/Instagram/@javiermilei)
Milei's Argentina votes against UN resolution to end violence against women
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Milei's Argentina votes against UN resolution to end violence against women