Netflix launches reality show focused on music made in Brazil

by Clare Dominic
Netflix launches reality show focused on music made in Brazil

Netflix launches reality show focused on music made in Brazil
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Netflix announced the launch of a musical reality show to discover new trap and rap talents in Brazil. The attraction will debut later this year and is already in development. Despite already having similar versions in other countries, this is the first time that the platform has brought something like this to the Brazilian public.

In 2019, for example, “Ritmo + Flow” was launched in the United States, a competition also focused on the rap universe. “Vem sing” premiered in 2020, in Germany, Spain and the United States. Last year, another musical reality also debuted for the American public: “Music Stars”.

Possible successor to “The Voice”

In August last year, Globo announced the cancellation of “The Voice Brasil”. The attraction had been on the network for twelve seasons and had the classic freshman show format. The most acclaimed version of the reality show had on its team of judges the singers Carlinhos Brown, Cláudia Leite, Daniel and Lulu Santos, and was presented on Sunday afternoons by Tiago Leifert. After eleven years, other big names in Brazilian music passed through the judging team – Michel Teló, Ivete Sangalo, Iza and Gaby Amarantos – and two other presenters – André Marques, in the tenth season; and Fátima Bernardes, who led the program in its last two years of airing.

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With the cancellation of “The Voice”, Netflix targets the Brazilian public's demand for this type of format and can gain new subscribers.

Trap on the rise

MC Ryan SP, MC Daniel and MC Poze do Rodo in “Hoje tem baile” (reproduction/YouTube/MCRyanSP)

With innovative clips, artists in tune with a young audience and songs that are always among the most played at the moment, trap shows that it is here to stay. According to data released in the latest report made by Spotify, in November 2023, the genre, despite not appearing in the Top10 of most listened to songs, was already in the Top5 of most listened to artists in Brazil on the streaming service. Among the most listened to songs, university country music is unanimously dominant. However, the presence of MC Ryan SP already gives an indication that Netflix's initiative with reality can, in fact, bear good fruit and project trap even further on the national scene.

Featured photo: Netflix bets on Brazilian trap and rap in new reality show. (reproduction/O Globo)

Netflix launches reality show focused on music made in Brazil

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Netflix launches reality show focused on music made in Brazil

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