Patrick Dempsey back in Enchanted 2: Confirmed!
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It was recently announced by Disney the continuation of the film Enchanted (2007), for his Disney+ streaming. Titled Disenchanted in English, something like 'disenchanted'.
The first film tells the story of Gisele (Amy Addams) who lives in the animated kingdom of Andalasia, governed by Narissa (Susan Sarandon), and that after briefly getting to know the Prince Edward (James Marsden) and make vows of love, the two decide to get married the next morning, which does not please Narissawho dressed up as an old lady, pushes Gisele into a well sending her to the 'real world', where she becomes a version live action of himself and by destiny ends up meeting Robert (Patrick Dempsey) who, at the request of his daughter, ends up taking Gisele home. Following the clichés of animations, Gisele can sing and ask animals to help with housework, makes dresses out of curtains and always sees the magical side of things. Prince Edward ends up going after her to save her and take her back to Andalasia so they can marry and take the throne, which Narissa does not accept, also going to the real world to prevent it Edward succeed. In an epic ending, with Narissa poisoning Gisele with an apple, like in the fairy tale Snow WhiteRobert ends up being responsible for true love's kiss that wakes up Gisele and the two set off to fight with one Narissa who turned into a dragon, like Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty. After that, Gisele choose to stay in the real world with Robert with whom he fell in love.
Patrick Dempsey and Amy Adams in Enchanted. (Reproduction/Disney)
The sequel will tell the story of Gisele ten years later, questioning his happiness, his “happily ever after” and triggering events that change everyone's lives, both in the real world and in Andalasia.
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Patrick Dempsey announced that he will return to the role of Robert and who has already received the script for the new film, alongside him Amy Adams will return as the princess Gisele and James Marsden as the Prince Edward. Susan Sarandon, Idina Menzel (who interpreted Nancygirlfriend of Robert and then wife of Edward) and Timothy Spall (who interpreted Nathaniellackey of Narissa) have not yet confirmed whether they will be back. The film also features Adam Shankmandirector responsible for hits such as A Walk to Remember (2002) and Hairspray: In Search of Fame (2007), in the direction.
Disenchanted There is no release date yet.
(Featured Photo: Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey as Gisele and Robert, respectively. Reproduction/Disney)
Patrick Dempsey back in Enchanted 2: Confirmed!
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Patrick Dempsey back in Enchanted 2: Confirmed!