Porto Seguro Auto Mulher | Personalized auto insurance

by Xavier Catherine
3 auto insurance options for women that you should know

Porto Seguro Auto Mulher | Personalized auto insurance
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We know that women have different needs, especially when we talk about cars. So why not have exclusive insurance for them? Discover Porto Seguro Auto Mulher.

Most women know that taking out insurance for their car is very difficult, mainly because they require different types of insurance compared to the insurance offered for men. Thinking about reaching this large portion of the population, Porto Seguro created Porto Seguro Auto Mulher, exclusive insurance for women who need different coverage.

Table of Contents

What is Porto Seguro Auto Mulher?

Porto Seguro Auto Mulher is insurance designed exclusively for women, not only for your car, but for all times. Porto Seguro's idea is to protect women, always thinking about their comfort and tranquility. Insurance provides support and protection, always combined with the female way of life, after all, women have different needs than men. Various benefits, discounts and services are offered that make women's lives easier on a daily basis.

What are the benefits and discounts offered by Porto Seguro Auto Mulher?

There are several benefits and discounts offered by Porto Seguro Auto Mulher. Check out some of them here:

  • Discount on closed circuit TV;
  • Discount at a gym for women only;
  • Emergency services for the residence;
  • Repairs to household appliances;
  • Installation of ceiling clotheslines, peepholes, shelves, thief handles, rails and/or curtain rods, bolts and pictures.

What coverage does Porto Seguro Auto Mulher offer?

The coverage that Porto Seguro Auto Mulher offers are basic and optional. Discover some:

  • Damage to third parties;
  • Collision, fire and robbery or theft;
  • Passengers;
  • Protection of windows, lights, headlights and rear view mirrors;
  • Extra car;
  • Reimbursement of extraordinary expenses;
  • Loss of profits;
  • Medium extra-sized car;
  • Franchise insurance;
  • Assistance to the insured;
  • Funeral insurance and;
  • Sanitation in cases of flooding.
Car insurance costs for seniors

Do I still have benefits with Porto Seguro Auto Mulher?

Yes, you still have advantages with Porto Seguro Auto Mulher, which are offered directly. See some:

  • Driver services;
  • Towing assistance 24 hours a day, anywhere in Brazilian territory;
  • 25% discount on the franchise;
  • Franchise installments in up to six installments;
  • Automotive check-ups at Porto Seguro automotive centers;
  • 5% discount for those who pay with the Porto Seguro credit card;
  • 7% discount for drivers who do not have fines or points on their driver's license;
  • 5% discount when purchasing limited Auto + RE insurance and;
  • Discount of up to 30% off on rotating parking lots in the Estapar network and 10% off for monthly payers in shopping malls and airports.

How can I use the Porto Seguro Auto Mulher Driver benefit?

To use the Porto Seguro Auto Mulher Driver benefit, you must contact the company, and in the free clause, you will be entitled to two uses and in the contracted clause, up to six times.

Where does Porto Seguro Mulher operate?

Porto Seguro Mulher operates throughout the country, making women feel safe anywhere in Brazil.

How do I contact Porto Seguro Auto Mulher?

To contact Porto Seguro Mulher, simply call the 24-hour center or enter the customer portal via chat. You still have the option of getting in touch through the Porto Seguro Auto app, a quick and easy way.

A transmissão automática consome mais combustível?

Porto Seguro Auto Mulher | Personalized auto insurance

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Porto Seguro Auto Mulher | Personalized auto insurance


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