Pregnant, Viih Tube talks about the baby's sex
Viih Tube used her Instagram stories to share the news of the preparations for the baby shower she is expecting with former BBB Eliezer, this Monday (10). In the stories she says that she thinks the baby is a girl and because of that she will wear a lilac dress on the day of the meeting and shows some green ones to balance the bets on the child's sex.
“At a baby shower, anyone who wears lilac or purple thinks it's a girl and anyone who wears shades of green thinks it's a boy. I think it's a girl, but my outfit is already lilac. So I thought, 'Well, I'll do green nails.' So I did green on my feet and lilac on my hands.”he informed.
“Do you think I should make the hand green and the accessories green or the hand purple and the foot green?”she asked, leaving a poll on Story that read: “One of each: purple hand and green foot or all green nails and lilac clothes”leaving it up to the fans to choose.
Next, she shows that she left her fingernails and toenails green to balance it out. “I made it green, so the dress would be lilac and the nail polish would be green with the accessories,” he said.
Viih Tube talks about gender reveal party on Instagram (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
Missing from Instagram, she explains the reason and seems excited about everything that has been happening. “I’m in that phase of being very sleepy, I’ve already told you this, but enough. Today I’m going to record a lot of videos for you, I’m going to record my posts, I’m going to record cool content that I had ideas for over the weekend. I took the weekend to do nothing, just chat with Eli, anyway, reflect on this new phase of our lives, enjoying him and my family too.”explained Viih Tube.
The influencer opened a question box and in one of them was asked if Eliezer will watch the birth, he said he will watch, but he doesn't know if he will be able to handle it. Viih Tube explains that the former BBB can't stand the sight of blood, but that he has to endure it to cut the umbilical cord after the birth.
The couple also talks about who started the conversation first, Viih shows a conversation in which she shows interest. She also talks about the gender reveal party that will take place on Sunday (16) and will make a live broadcast available to her fans on the YouTube channel.
Featured Photo: Viih Tube. Reproduction/Instagram.
Pregnant, Viih Tube talks about the baby's sex
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