Rival idol blasts Haaland: “Looks like he’s from the fourth division”
After Haaland's poor performance for Manchester City, an idol from a rival team blasts the player and explains reasons for his opinion; look
After the goalless draw between Manchester City It is Arsenalthe performance of Haaland was a talking point among English fans, as he did little during the 90 minutes. In view of this, one of the great idols of Manchester United, Roy Keanespared no words to criticize the Norwegian after the match.
“In front of goal he is the best in the world, but his overall game for a player like that is very poor. Not just today. He has to improve. He looks like a League Two player, that's how I look at him. His overall game has to improve, and that will happen in the coming years”, he commented.
The internet is bizarre.
The day came when they NORMALIZED that Haaland, aged 23, had scored 36 goals in the Premier League and was the top scorer in that edition (even with an injury).
They want to reduce the repertoire to “one-touch goals”.
Clearances, impulsion, elasticity became “normal things”. pic.twitter.com/qq9psRn9NE
— Felipe Simonetti (@felipesimonetti) April 1, 2024
It is worth remembering that Roy Keane has a past with Haaland, as a harsh attack on the striker's father ended his professional athlete's career early. At the time, the Irishman claimed it was revenge for a tackle in which Alf-Inge ended up leaving him injured until the end of the season.

Against Arsenal, the young striker only touched the ball 18 times and did not finish on goal on any occasion. In total, there are 18 goals scored in the Premier League this season, but without going through a great phase like at other times since he arrived in England at the beginning of last season.
Rival idol blasts Haaland: “Looks like he’s from the fourth division”
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