Roberto Justus explains controversial terms spoken about Adriana Galisteu
Roberto Justusex-husband of Adriane Galisteu got married on the internet when speaking controversial lines about the presenter. However, the businessman reveals in a story published on Instagram that both had a good laugh about the situation as good friends.
“I’m not in the habit of giving a rating to sensationalist and out-of-context stories. But, out of respect for Galisteu, for whom I have great affection and admiration (and anyone who watched the full interview I gave on Luciana Gimenez’s podcast can clearly see that) , I would like to clarify that when I referred to her buying some clothes in thrift stores, I just wanted to exemplify that our styles are different, she is much more fashionable, cool and relaxed than I am. By the way, today she and I already laugh about the gossip . Unfortunately the media likes to expose facts out of context to get attention and unfortunately people don’t try to watch all the content to draw their conclusions! We are friends and we respect each other a lot. The rest is just pure evil”.
Roberto Justus says he doesn’t give a thumbs up to sensationalism (Reproduction/Instagram @robertoljustus).
The terms that talk about the style of Adriana Galisteuwas commented on the podcast by Luciana Gimenez. Roberto explained the experience of marriage with Adriana: “Galisteu, she dresses at the thrift store, she’s zero preppy. She smoked cigarettes at the time, I’m very against it. These are things that didn’t work. I tried to make her stop, but I couldn’t. There are certain things that are difficult to live with. It was a overwhelming passion, and the same way it started, it ended”.
The businessman is currently married to the model Ana Paula Siebertand together they have already borne fruit for 3-year-old Vick. “Paula and I are very similar. She is very preppy, and I, Mauricinho. We both like to get ready and keep the house perfect. This is very cool for you not to have friction”.
Answer from Adriana
The presenter of A Fazenda was not silent, and made fun of her ex-husband on Instagram. In the video, she shows thrift store clothes and points out that she has not smoked for 10 years. Adriana gained the support of other celebrities: Ingrid Guimaraes, Deborah Secco, Gio Lancellotti, jojo todynho, Astrid Fontenelleand others.
Featured photo: Adriana Galisteu and Roberto Justus Reproduction/Instagram.
Roberto Justus explains controversial terms spoken about Adriana Galisteu
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