see how to calculate your grade before the official result
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After participating in the Enem 2024 tests, it is normal for people to immediately want to know how they performed. However, the grades will only be released on January 13, 2025. It is possible, however, to get an approximate idea of the grade through some means. Continue reading and find out everything about how the calculation is carried out and the best way to get a preview of its performance.
How does the Enem score calculation work?
Before explaining to you how to calculate your Enem scorelet's remember how the organization structured the fix. After all, despite seeming simple, the final calculation does not just depend on the number of questions answered correctly. In fact, Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research) uses a methodology called TRI (Item Response Theory) to carry out the calculation.
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Inep describes IRT as “a set of mathematical models that seek to represent the relationship between the probability of the participant answering a question correctly, their knowledge in the area in which they are being evaluated and the characteristics of the items”.
In this way, the methodology models the behavior of each question using a curve that shows the relationship between the candidate's competence and the probability of getting the question right.
TRI uses statistics to compose the grades. For example, if you took Enem 2024 and got easy questions wrong, but got the more difficult ones right, your grade will suffer from punishment. This is because, statistically, it is unlikely that the participant will get the difficult questions right and the easy ones wrong. Thus, as the methodology indicates, he would have guessed some answers.
Here it is important to highlight that the degree of difficulty of the question is only established during the correction of the tests. Therefore, the questions with the highest number of correct answers among participants are considered easier. Those with the smallest number of correct answers are classified as difficult.

In summary, the candidate's knowledge is measured by three parameters:
- Difficulty: takes into account the level of difficulty of the question. The higher this value, the greater the difficulty of the question.
- Discrimination: distinguishes candidates who truly master a given subject from those who have no knowledge about it.
- Casual hit: represents the probability of a candidate getting a correct answer on a topic in the test. It is a way of identifying the participant who answered a question correctly and got it right.
Is it possible to calculate the Enem 2024 score?
Did you realize how calculating your Enem 2024 score is not simple? As it is not possible to know the value of each question on the test, the calculation cannot be done manually. But, if you are very anxious and want to have at least an idea of your exam score, know that there are some calculators that simulate the score for you.
One of them you can find on the Me Salva portal, a preparatory course for Enem. The calculator uses data from previous editions and scores from participants with the same number of correct answers as you in exams from previous years.
When you enter the website, the process for calculating your score is very simple. See below!
Time required: 4 minutes
- Access the website and click on “Calculate grade”
- Enter the number of hits in each area
- Tap “Summarize grade”
- Fill in your information
In addition to entering your name, email and telephone number, the platform asks you to accept the terms of use. Receiving promotions is optional. After filling everything in, click “Continue”.
- Fill in the information and tap “Continue”
- Ready, your notes will appear in each area.
It is worth noting that to get the final grade, you will need to know the essay grade, which will also only be available on January 13, 2025. Once you have all the grades in hand, just add them up and divide them by 5. So , you get your average.
Ready! Now you know how to get an idea of your score in Enem 2024 before the official results come out.
see how to calculate your grade before the official result
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see how to calculate your grade before the official result