Spotify Retrospective 2022 is now available
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This Wednesday (30) the streaming platform Spotify announced that platform users can now check out the 2022 musical retrospective (Spotify Wrapped) on the app. The service reveals the artists, songs and podcasts most listened to by users throughout the year. The platform also brings the main rankings of its platform in Brazil and around the world.
Other new features were announced for this year. The company presented the “Listening Personality”, a function that shares more details about the Spotify user's musical tastes. And there is also the “Your Day in Audio” or “Audio Day” an interactive story that shows how your musical taste varied throughout the day. Another new feature is that based on your content consumption, the platform can classify you into 16 types of musical personalities.
The retrospective displays favorite musical genres and a top 5 with the most listened to songs, artists and podcasts. The playlist is also generated “The most played in your 2022” with 100 tracks most listened to by the user.
Spotify 2022 Retrospective (Disclosure/Spotify)
The feature is now available for smartphone devices such as Android and iOS (iPhone). Spotify Wrapped 2022 cannot be displayed on browser/desktop (computer). Here's how to check your musical year:
- When opening the Spotify app, click on the banner “Your Retrospective 2022 is on”;
- The application will generate stories containing details of your musical year;
- A summary of the information is displayed.
The function is presented in stories format, to be easily shared on social networks such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook or Whatsapp (Whatsapp's sharing option is one of the app's new features).
In addition to the most listened to artists, songs and genres, you can also see how many artists you discovered and how much time you spent on the platform.
It is important to note that the app must be updated on your smartphone, and although the feature is available, some people cannot view their retrospective for now.
Featured Photo: Spotify Logo. Reproduction/Folha/Uol
Spotify Retrospective 2022 is now available
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Spotify Retrospective 2022 is now available