STJ receives new habeas corpus request from Deolane's lawyers
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Deolane Bezerra's defense team filed a new habeas corpus request with the STJ (Superior Court of Justice) this Tuesday (17). The influencer has been detained since the 10th in Pernambuco. After failing to comply with the precautionary measures required by the Court, her house arrest was revoked.
The lawyers reportedly added to the habeas corpus petition a request to revoke the precautionary measure that requires Deolane not to speak on social media or in the press. The justification is that the influencer had told her followers about the arrest, not about the investigations.
Access to networks does not interfere with investigations
Deolane's defense continues to argue that there is no relationship between the use of social media and money laundering, which is why she is being investigated.
“The patient is being investigated for alleged money laundering, and it is clear that whether or not this crime was committed has nothing to do with the use of her social networks, nor with her freedom of expression. In other words, if she were not a public figure, there would certainly be no discussion about the need to prevent her from using social networks or making public statements about the circumstances surrounding her.” the defense team alleged.
Deolane has no way to defend herself from haters
The defense emphasized that the courts were violating Deolane's right to defense by prohibiting her from speaking out about her arrest. She is being publicly accused of money laundering, without having a way to defend herself.
Deolane Bezerra and her daughter (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@dradeolanebezerra)
Deolane's eight-year-old daughter was mentioned again. According to the arguments, the embarrassment was getting worse every day, “to the point of violating the constitutional guarantee of the state of innocence, with her minor daughter also being without the care of her only parent.”
Solange Bezerra, Deolane's mother, also had her habeas corpus request denied and remains detained at the Bom Pastor Women's Penal Colony in Recife.
Featured photo: Deolane Bezerra in Orlando, Florida USA (Reproduction/Instagram/@dradeolanebezerra)
Matter put Lourdes Carvalho (In magazine – IG)
STJ receives new habeas corpus request from Deolane's lawyers
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STJ receives new habeas corpus request from Deolane's lawyers