Taylor Swift breaks record in the USA: New tour excites fans!
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With only two shows already taking place and only concert dates on American soil announced, the band's new tour Taylor Swift, “The Eras Tour”is expected to hit the biggest box office of all time in the United States with US$728 million (around R$2.7 billion), according to the website Pollstar.
Publicity poster for “The Eras Tour”. Twitter/Disclosure
Taylor Swift's sixth tour has only 52 dates announced, all of them in American football stadiums in the United States with large capacity for audiences. In the first two shows, which took place in Glendale, Arizona, the singer brought together an audience of 140,000 fans, who were also able to watch the band Paramore and Gayle as the opening act.
“The Eras Tour” takes place five years after his last time on stage, and features songs from all his previously released albums. Featuring 44 songs in a 3-hour show.
A tour was already giving people something to talk about even before it began, with what they call “Ticketmaster fiasco”. During ticket sales for the tour, Taylor Swift fans made several criticisms about instability, canceled sales and abusive fees for the tour. Ticketmaster.
On that occasion, a group of fans even sued the company with accusations that the pre-sale codes were not sent to the fans who had the right to do so on the correct date, instead Ticketmaster had allegedly benefited bots and scalpers. Other people accused Ticketmaster of creating a monopoly where they were protected by having no competition between other means of selling tickets.
This incident did not stop fans from going to the shows and it is expected that the same will happen for other dates that may come.
For Pollstar, the tour has the possibility of becoming the biggest of all time when Taylor Swift announces the next dates, calculating that another 30 shows with an average of US$12 and US$14 million could take the tour to a billion-dollar level.
Featured photo: Taylor Swift is expected to break a record on tour across the United States. John Shearer/Getty Images
Taylor Swift breaks record in the USA: New tour excites fans!
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Taylor Swift breaks record in the USA: New tour excites fans!