The death of José Venâncio died in the original version of Renascer – The actor Bruno Luperi and actor Rodrigo Simas, the character’s current performer, create a mystery about José Venâncio’s fate in Renascer. In the original version, José Inocêncio’s middle son (Antônio Fagundes in 1993 / Marcos Palmeira 2024) dies in a roadside ambush. Here we will tell you how everything happened in the past, indicating the characters and their actors at the time.
Willing to tell his father the whole truth about Buba (Maria Luísa Mendonça) and the false pregnancy announced, José Venâncio (Taumaturgo Ferreira) sells his agency’s partnership and travels to Ilhéus to start a life alongside his family, managing his part of the land.
The beautiful love scene between Sandra and João Pedro. Photos!

Coincidentally, upon disembarking in Ilhéus, Venâncio met João Pedro (Marcos Palmeira) in front of the airport and got a ride with him. Excited and smiling, the two brothers continued along the road talking and Venâncio told his brother that he had decided to leave everything behind and live on the farm. They had no idea what was about to happen.
Halfway there, the scenes showed someone carrying a gun at a strategic point on the road. Soon after, two accurate shots hit the boy in the chest.
Desperate João Pedro takes his brother’s body to Deoclecioano’s house (Roberto Bonfim) and Morena (Regina Dourado). Before telling Inocêncio about the tragedy, the boy demonstrates his pain and insecurity regarding how he will be received by his father after this tragedy.

Stealth without mystery
Unlike the other challenges faced by José Inocêncio, Venâncio’s death was not shrouded in mystery for the viewer. Shortly after the crime, a scene showed Egídio (Vladimir Britcha), who in the original version was called Toedoro and was played by Herson Capritoasting in solitude for his accurate shot and saying “this time I got it right”.

Unannounced death
In 1993, the death of José Venâncio was involved in great controversy behind the scenes of the plot. In the original version, the character died unexpectedly in chapter 59. At the time, the actor Thaumaturge Ferreira displeased director Luís Fernando Carvalho and the author, Benedito Rui Barbosa, for not adding a coherent accent to the character.

At the time Thaumaturgo defended himself, claiming that this detail was combined with the direction of the soap opera because he considered that the fact that the character had studied in the capital would have given him a different way of speaking.
It’s worth remembering that Thaumaturgo’s performance earned him a lot of criticism, just as his sudden death didn’t go over well either.
The death of José Venâncio died in the original version of Renascer
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