The truth behind the couple Johnny Depp and Amber Heard revealed in new miniseries

by Xavier Catherine
The truth behind the couple Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

The truth behind the couple Johnny Depp and Amber Heard revealed in new miniseries

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard met while filming the 2011 film “The Diary of a Drunk Journalist”. Depp, who was married at the time, separated from his wife (with whom he has two children) a year later and, only after After the marriage ended, it became public that he was having a relationship with Amber. In 2015, they got married and, 15 months later, they publicly announced their divorce — after Heard's accusations of domestic violence, which granted her a restraining order against Depp.

Images of Johnny Depp and Amber Heart captured during their testimonies in the trial of the actor's slander and defamation lawsuit against Heart.Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. (Photo: Reproduction/ Evelyn Hockstein and Jim Lo Scalzo/AFP)

Court Battle

A few years after the couple's separation, in 2018, the actress wrote a article which was published in the newspaper The Washington Post, where, even without mentioning Johnny Depp, he declared himself to be “a survivor of domestic violence”.

In the text, Amber, who is also an ambassador for women's rights at the American Civil Liberties Union, said that she had already been assaulted and sexually abused in college and stated that she suffered the same violence, physical and sexual, during her marriage – due to abusive use of alcohol and drugs by your partner. The actress also spoke about how, not only the film industry, but also society in general (phallocentric), “protects” men in these situations, and transforms women from victims to culprits.

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The impact of the article was immense, driven by social media, and had repercussions on Depp's career and public image, who then, in 2019, opened a slander and defamation lawsuit against Heard. The legal battle, which dragged on for years, took the Hollywood stars to the jury court in a trial that only ended in June 2022 — with a win for Johnny Depp, who, out of US$15 million, agreed to receive US$1 million, and declared that he would donate the amount to five charities.

Depp and Heard were married for just 15 months, they had a traumatic post-divorce that will be told in a new Netflix miniseries.Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/ @amberheard/@johnnydepp)

Depp v. Heard

The Netflix production (which obtained the rights shortly after the process ended), with a release date scheduled for August 16, is based on more than 200 hours of media coverage of the trial — which lasted six weeks, with 13 hours of deliberations, and was broadcast live by the international press.

The miniseries, in the form of a documentary, directed by Emma Cooper (producer of The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: Unreleased Recordings; The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann and Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator), will be divided into three parts: the power of public opinion over the facts; the involvement of social networks in the process; and each person's side in the trial, the testimonies of Depp and Amber — which will probably feature the bizarre facts and situations reported by both: excrement in bed of the couple; flatulence in court during the trial; the cosmetics brand contradicting Amber; Depp's text messages talking about drowning and burning Amber; until psychological evaluation that would have diagnosed mental disorders of the actress.

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Featured Photo: Amber Heard and Johnny Depp on the promotional poster for the documentary miniseries “Depp v. Heard”. Reproduction/Netflix/ Disclosure.

The truth behind the couple Johnny Depp and Amber Heard revealed in new miniseries

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