Valesca Popozuda joins MC Kevin O Chris on new single
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The wave of nostalgia that pays homage to the 2000s is in every sector. In fashion, in beauty trends, in aesthetics, and, of course, all of this accompanied by music that recalls the sounds of the beginning of this millennium.
Riding this wave, Valesca Popozuda invites MC Kevin O Chris for an unprecedented partnership on the new single ''Mó Negoção''. The song will be available on all digital players from midnight this Tuesday, September 26, with an audiovisual version on YouTube.
Lyric video for Valesca Popozuda's new single with MC Kevin O Chris. (Video: reproduction/Youtube/Valesca Popozuda)
Musical themes and references
With a beat that recalls the funk of the time and an atmosphere that travels back in time to the beginning of Valesca's career in Gaiola das Popozudas, the song has a fast rhythm and catchy lyrics. A pioneer of Brazilian female funk, Valesca sings about the freedom of being single and the delights of individuality: “Life as a freelancer / You know how it is / Not for romance / A bitch, right / Today I'm mellow.”
The people responsible for composing the song are Umberto Tavares, Jefferson Júnior and MC Kevin O Chris. Regarding the expectations for this new work, Valesca says: ''I'm so excited for the audience to hear this song! I loved working with MC Kevin O Chris, who is a giant of funk and has an unmistakable voice. This is for single women and is perfect for dancing until the floor''. The musical production was done by MC Kevin o Chris, Caetano Prod and DJ 2F.
MC Kevin O Chris
Currently, MC Kevin O Chris has two songs in the Top 10 Brazil on Spotify, a platform where he has over 18 million monthly listeners. Singing about women's freedom, Valesca has songs that have permeated several generations and, to this day, continue to be successful. In the meantime, she continues working and releasing new hits, such as the most recent ''Proibidona'' and ''Popo Girando''.
Featured photo: Valesca Popozuda. Photo/Reproduction/Felipe Braga
Valesca Popozuda joins MC Kevin O Chris on new single
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Valesca Popozuda joins MC Kevin O Chris on new single