Virgnia and Z Felipe send an indirect message to Karen Bachini on Live

by Xavier Catherine
Virgnia and Z Felipe send an indirect message to Karen

Virgnia and Z Felipe send an indirect message to Karen Bachini on Live

This Sunday (16), influencer and businesswoman Virgínia Fonseca held a live broadcast to promote her cosmetics company, We Pink. However, both the influencer and Zé Felipe, her husband, gave hints to makeup artist Karen Bachini, who had recently criticized Virginia's foundation.

After asking what time it was at that moment, Virgínia began to rant: ''When we launch a product we launch what we like. And man, I really liked the foundation, it's the only one I use, I love this foundation, it looks amazing on my skin. I go out, it lasts all day.''

Virgínia and Zé Felipe during live broadcast by We Pink. Reproduction/Instagram

Then, the businesswoman continued: ''Then for someone to say they didn't like it and everything it turned into because of one person's comment, I think people would have to try it and each person give their feedback, that's fine..''

In defense of his beloved, Zé Felipe also gave his opinion regarding the criticism, saying that all constructive criticism is welcome and is good for growth. However, he highlighted that what is not possible is to enhance and grow based on a situation.

Virginia said that many people had been demanding her position, but she saw no reason to speak out, as she had done nothing. Furthermore, she stated that she uses the foundation every day and considers it the best on the market, as she only has and uses it. Finally, the couple celebrated the success of the sales with a jump in the pool.

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Virginia celebrates the number of sales they made. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The controversy with Karen Bachini

It all started after Karen published a video on her TikTok last month, in which she criticized not only how the foundation behaves on her skin, but also about the product's pricing.

Video by Karen Bachini. Reproduction/Twitter

''This is a Brazilian base costing two hundred reais and it was said that it is the best base because in Brazil there was no good base, so she had to launch this one. What I disagree with'', she said.

After applying the product to his face, he confessed that he did not feel any effect of hyaluronic acid, nor did he notice any hydration on his skin. Not stopping there, she continued saying that the active ingredients present in the base must be in small quantities, just to be able to say that they are present in the product.

Karen Bachini. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

''I feel like my skin is completely tight and dry, this is because I had applied moisturizer before applying foundation''. Calling the foundation bizarre, Bachini continued analyzing all the negative points of the foundation, highlighting the fact that her expression lines appeared suddenly, whereas she doesn't have any.

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Well… It looks like we'll have to watch the scenes from the next chapters of this soap opera!

Featured photo: Virgínia, Zé Felipe and Karen Bachini. Reproduction/Instagram.

Virgnia and Z Felipe send an indirect message to Karen Bachini on Live

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#Virgnia #Felipe #send #indirect #message #Karen #Bachini #Live

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