Xamã records video in Vidigal with Juan Paiva and Mel Muzzilo
Xamã chose the vibrant setting of the Vidigal favela, in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, to record his latest music video this Sunday, February 18th.
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It's not just the location that draws attention, but also the stellar cast that accompanies it. Mel Muzzilo and Juan Paiva, two castmates from the soap opera who star in the clip. Xamã acts as co-director and has a secondary role in the clip.
Xamã also takes on the roles of co-director and actor. The official release date has not yet been announced.
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Singer and jagunço
The week is special for Xamã, who makes his debut as Damião in Renascer. His character is a mix of bravery and mystery, with a dark past that includes a trail of deaths.
However, upon arriving at the lands of José Inocêncio (Marcos Palmeira), something changes. Against all expectations, Damião abandons his sinister plans and becomes part of the farmer's team, beginning a new chapter in his tumultuous life.
Unknown outsider
Damião's arrival shakes up the Jequitibá Rei farm. Initially hired for a nefarious purpose, his trajectory takes an unexpected turn when he falls in love with Ritinha (Mell Muzzillo).
However, Damião's heart will face new challenges with the arrival of Eliana (Sophie Charlotte), causing a true whirlwind of emotions.
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Love and mystery
Damião's life will be marked by twists and turns. His loyalty to José Inocêncio (Marcos Palmeira) and his complicated love for Ritinha (Mell Muzzillo) and Eliana provoke unexpected changes in his personality.
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The character of Shaman, initially seen with suspicion and fear, gradually reveals his true nature, questioning first impressions and showing that, deep down, he seeks redemption.
Xamã records video in Vidigal with Juan Paiva and Mel Muzzilo
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