Zayn Malik's fourth album is already in the works, according to Spotify
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After the end of One Direction, the former members followed very different career paths, some achieving greater visibility and others not so much. The potential to differentiate young people artistically was certainly personality, and Zayn Malik was a strong example of this. Seen as the most rebellious artist of the collective, Malik was the first to leave the group and soon appeared with his hair dyed green, entering a musical style very different from the “directioners”. His third album, Nobody Is Listening, was released in January 2021, reaching nineteen million listeners on streaming platforms, surpassing Harry Styles at times.
Zayn Malik and Harry Styles in One Direction (Photo: Reproduction/Teen Vogue)
Zayn is constantly renewing his creative skills, taking on new projects and surprising his fans. Just like his former partner, Harry Styles, the British actor risked his talents in cinema by participating in “10 Lives”. The animation tells the story of a spoiled and selfish cat who doesn’t value the lives he was given, and after losing his ninth life, he begs for a second chance. His wish is granted, but with “hilarious conditions”. Malik was responsible for giving voice to the twin brothers Kirk and Cameron, who like to think they are tough, but deep down, they want nothing more than to please their mother.
Zayn Malik performing live (Photo: Reproduction/Eonline)
But according to new information from Spotify, the singer has returned to his music career and is working on his fourth album, which still has no title or set date. So far, his last release was the single “Angel”, a tribute to guitarist Jimi Hendrix, which may or may not be included in his new work. Zayn Malik has always been a mysterious artist, who only releases his projects when they make sense to him and without giving in to the industry, and perhaps for this reason, his productions are so valued by fans who went crazy with the news of the artist's return.
Featured photo: Zayn Malik. Reproduction/Twitter
Zayn Malik's fourth album is already in the works, according to Spotify
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Zayn Malik's fourth album is already in the works, according to Spotify