7 secret codes that give access to functions on Xiaomi

by James Williams
7 secret codes that give access to functions on Xiaomi

7 secret codes that give access to functions on Xiaomi
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If you have a Xiaomi cell phone, know that it is possible to access several functions through “hidden” codes. They can be used directly from the smartphone dialer.

Next, check out the list of 7 secret codes that give access to functions on Xiaomi. However, be careful, as all actions take place right after entering the code. One of the items, for example, restores the cell phone completely.

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Codes on Xiaomi: 7 sequences that activate functions on the cell phone

1 – Test the battery

To check your cell phone's battery health in detail, you can open the dialer and type *#*#6485#*#*. This will open a screen with information about charging cycles, current capacity in mAh and the general status of the battery.

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2 – View the IMEI

The IMEI works as a “mobile phone CPF”, allowing you to check whether the device is in good standing or whether it is a contraband item. When typing *#06#the IMEI number appears.

So, you can write it down and if your device is stolen or stolen, simply request it to be blocked directly on the Celular Seguro app, from the Federal Government, or through your operator.

Poco, from Xiaomi
Discover your Xiaomi's secret codes and access hidden functions such as testing the battery, restoring the device and more! Image: Xiaomi / Disclosure

3 – Test the cell phone

When entering the code *#*#4636#*#* You can open your cell phone's test menu and check the operation of the Wi-Fi, camera and other components. You can also view information about the device.

4 – Analyze the hardware

With the code *#*#64663#*#* It is possible to test all of your device's hardware and thus analyze whether there are component problems.

After typing this sequence, the user also has access to information such as the software version, being able to test the screen colors, check the presence of a SIM or microSD card without removing the tray and confirm that the proximity, light and vibration sensors of the device are working properly.

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5 – Restore the device to factory settings

To return your phone to factory settings, simply type ##7780##. It is worth mentioning that when entering this sequence in the dialer, the device loses all customizations and configurations made while it was being used.

6 – Format the device

If your goal is to completely clean the device's internal memory by deleting all information and data, type *2767*3855# in the dialer.

7 – View agenda information

To view all calendar information, such as commemorative dates and other events, dial ##225##. The application information will appear on the smartphone screen.

7 secret codes that give access to functions on Xiaomi

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7 secret codes that give access to functions on Xiaomi

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