7 tips to save battery on your smartwatch
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Smartwatches have come onto the market to make life easier for many people, especially those looking for accurate sleep reports or markers that analyze the body's vital signs during a run. Despite the many functions, the more apps you have running, the shorter the battery life of the device.
That's why we've put together seven tips that can help you save your smartwatch's battery so that it lasts longer before running out of power. Check out more information below.
Turn on battery saver
Most modern smartwatches already have a “battery saving” feature, a function very similar to the one we already know on smartphones. Once activated, the function automatically adjusts all the smartwatch settings to save battery.

This saving occurs because the feature changes the screen brightness, limits notifications, reduces or inhibits software updates and disables non-essential features. For those looking to save battery, this step is mandatory.
Decreases the brightness of the display
Although the battery saving feature has already affected the brightness of the display, it may not be enough –– especially if you are in a dark environment. Therefore, we recommend that you access the device's settings and reduce the brightness until the display is visible, but not excessively so.
This step is important because maintaining an intense screen brightness is something that demands a lot of energy, so it consumes the battery more easily.
Turn off the internet when not in use
In addition to the most famous functions –– such as monitoring vital signs –– smartwatches have more complex configurations, such as allowing you to watch content on the web and make contactless payments.

These last features, however, depend exclusively on the internet. Therefore, if you do not usually use your smartwatch for these purposes or spend most of your time at home, then it is recommended that you leave the watch's internet connection disabled. This is because while the feature remains activated, it searches for or maintains a stable connection to a network and this also costs the battery a lot.
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Disable GPS when not in use
GPS is only useful if you leave the house and want to map your route while running or cycling. Otherwise, it is recommended that you leave it disabled, as the constant operation of the feature requires uninterrupted battery consumption.
Disconnect Bluetooth
One of the innovations of smartwatches is the ability to watch streaming content on the device or enjoy a music playlist. Either way, it’s easier to do this while using wireless headphones.

However, when you are not using your headphones, leave Bluetooth turned off, as this is one of the most notorious functions for draining the battery of devices.
Keep the display off
Even though a smartwatch is a digital watch, that doesn't mean it can't stay lit all the time to tell the time. This feature is designed to resemble traditional watches, whose time display never goes out; however, displaying a display that never turns off will drain your battery much faster.
Therefore, we recommend that you disable this setting. When you need to check the time, simply turn it on using a button or by touching the screen; this way, when the clock is inactive, it will be off.
Change the watch face
The more sophisticated your display's background is, the more battery it will consume. In other words, if you're a fan of displays that have endlessly moving illustrations, although they may look great, they will drain a lot of battery.

So, if your purpose is to save battery, opt for watch faces that have a static background.
7 tips to save battery on your smartwatch
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7 tips to save battery on your smartwatch