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How to get rid of a narcissistic pervert?
First of all, it would be better to know how to recognize a narcissistic pervert. I know that it is not easy to get rid of a manipulator: the victim has a hard time getting away because the relationship of control is very strong and the narcissistic pervert presents himself as completely innocent, accusing his victim of being crazy or sick.
Then you need to know how this feeling drinker proceeds before starting the scan.
Spot its handling process
Step 1: It targets your weaknesses (How to get rid of a narcissistic pervert)
He listens carefully when you tell him about the depression from which you have just emerged and whose wounds are still ajar. He listens to you when you tell him that your ex has crossed out with one of your friends or that your parents have abandoned you for reasons X or Y. He lends an attentive ear when you unconsciously lower yourself: “what am I head in the air me then” “I’m afraid of not finding a job”… And of course, the voice of your loved ones means a lot to him “OOhhh Madeleine you’re too spendthrift/ you don’t know howto tune your clothes / You’ve gained weight/ You’re not confident in you let’s get your act together” BLA BLA BLAH. It doesn’t fall on deaf ears! The so-called Prince Charming keeps it in a drawer of his head and will open it as soon as the right time comes.
Step 2: It idealizes you (well, it pretends)
Aware of your weaknesses, and in particular of your (big) lack of confidence in yourself, he will accustom you to a certain dose of compliments and seductive smiles that will make you totally crack. He will keep telling you how pretty, delightful, kind, intelligent, irresistible (or whatever) he finds you. You quickly become addicted to this lot of compliments as you become addicted to cigarettes. You can no longer do without him, his sweet words, his little morning attentions when he writes “I love you” on the fridge. You have the feeling that someone finally recognizes your fair value and especially that this someone loves you in this world that hates you. In reality, quite the opposite is the case. But the narcissistic pervert has taken his precautions and you will not realize it.
Step 3: It gives you confidence (How to get rid of a narcissistic pervert)
He continues to flatter you, told you “I love you”, projects the future on a giant slideshow by constantly pressing on the “OUR” future my darling of love. The words swarming with kindness and sniness, he knows perfectly how to handle them. And you, you fall into the trap. And the worst thing is that it is justified!
Step 4: It destroys you (gently)
He has marinated you well, you are ready to go to the pan: the time for destruction has come. But this destruction is slow and discreet, you do not realize at all what is happening in your friend’s brain at this precise stage. It will start with one or two small criticisms regarding your extraordinary personality. He will take into account all the statements he has heard about you (rumors / defects …), straight out of the mouth of your loved ones who were not aware of the future consequences. But, transie of love, you will admire it because you will find it really clairvoyant about you and your personality. “Yes, he’s so right, I’m really stupid sometimes, I should do something to train my mind”/ “It’s true that I’m fat, I had never noticed this huge bead, fortunately it’s there”.
Step 5: He makes you his puppet (How to get rid of a narcissistic pervert)
Here is the logical continuation of the first four steps. You now have confidence in him, you drink every word of his and follow his so-called advice, to the letter. Anyway, if you don’t, he will press where it hurts you very much: “You’re just a selfish one! To say that I was still wondering why your ex had dropped you like a shabby. I understand better now! ». Having the feeling of having disappointed him, you bend overboard to satisfy all his small needs.
The narcissistic pervert acts in stages so as not to surprise the other. It proceeds in stages spread over time so that you do not notice anything.
Getting rid of this toxic relationship
Learn to love yourself again
Start by pampering yourself, no matter what your spouse sadist says. Make yourself beautiful, use all the creams in your bathroom, put on a nice dress… Learn to ignore his opinion, and try to listen to you and not HIM.
Get back in touch with those around you (How to get rid of a narcissistic pervert)
Your loved ones are the ones who know you best and they are the only ones who can offer you the dose of love you need to repair the damage caused by the narcissistic vampire. Because love, it will take you, and not only a little, to regain your self-esteem.
Say goodbye to your friend
Trying at all costs to change the other, to clean up the toxic relationship of which you are a victim is useless. You may be addicted, obsessed with him, afraid of his reactions (which is justified), but your own “survival” is at stake. Yes, he will threaten you with suicide, to destroy you (but that’s already done), to kill your cat, to threaten your parents. A narcissistic pervert screams and goes almost crazy when he no longer fully controls the situation. Events elude him and he cannot bear it. It then puts terrible pressure on you. Yet you have to hold on. And, honestly, how can you still think your relationship is worth it? He insulted you, told you that he would attack you and your parents, that he would put the rope around his neck. No, frankly, come out of the clutches of this devil, do not be masochistic!
Take time to rest
After any breakup, you’re always exhausted. We cry all the time, we no longer give meaning to life, we wonder if one day we will be able to offer our heart to someone else. This one, in addition to all that, risks questioning a large part of your convictions since your ex convinced you that you were nothing without him. So rest, eat, cry, evacuate!
Allow yourself to dream again (How to get rid of a narcissistic pervert)
With him, you had abandoned all your dreams and also your little activities that did you so much good! Do theater, sports, yoga, cooking, set goals. No, you are not an incompetent jug, it is the other who tucked it into your head. Write on a sheet of paper everything that would be likely to make you happy, or at least, to get you a minimum of pleasure. Then put everything in place to realize these desires. And above all, above all, do not forget to see people, to talk, to evacuate!
And you, have you ever known a narcissistic pervert?