Young man from Flamengo is investigated for alleged fraud; understand
Striker Matheus França, from Flamengo, is being investigated by the Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro for alleged fraud; learn more about the case
The attacker’s investigation was initiated after a report from the DMV (State Traffic Department) of Rio de Janeiro to the Civil Police. In the document, there were indications of possible fraud in the theoretical and practical classes that Matheus França had been taking to obtain his license, during the past year.
In the documents provided by the Detran, there is some information that indicates that the player would have complied with the schedule of classes at times that are not consistent. Like the fact that the athlete completed 16 hours of theoretical classes in a row, from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, right at the beginning of his process to obtain his driver’s license.
In addition, there are some inconsistencies in the period that Matheus was having his practical classes. According to the Palu Driving Schoolin Vargem Pequena, the striker fulfilled one of his managerial tasks on August 2, 2022. However, on the same date, the young player was concentrating with the Flamengo squad, in São Paulo, about to face the Corinthians for the liberators.

With that, the Detran requested an image capture of all the fingerprints collected from Matheus França and sent it to the Civil Police, which is now beginning to investigate and investigate the case closely. Sought by ‘TV Globo’, which investigated this story, both the club and the player have yet to comment.
Young man from Flamengo is investigated for alleged fraud; understand
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