Go in Faith: Find out how Dora’s death will be
In an advanced stage of cancer, Dora (Claudia Ohana) will get worse in the next chapters of “Vai na Fé”. As a result of the disease, the family redoubles care with the holistic therapist.
Aware of the seriousness, Lumiar will despair and will insist on taking her mother to the hospital. However, the doctor will say that there is nothing more to be done.
After fighting for her life, Dora dies at home with her family. Responding to the last request of the owner of the inn, Lui Lorenzo enlists everyone’s help and throws a carnival party to honor her.
Devastated, the passionate Fábio will spill his wife’s ashes in the garden, in an emotional ceremony.
During the hippie rite of passage, Fábio will recite excerpts from the book “A Morte É um Dia que Vale a Pena Viver”, by Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes, which deals with palliative care and the arrival of death.
“Vai Na Fé” is a TV Globo soap opera written by Rosane Svartman, with the collaboration of Mário Viana, Renata Corrêa, Pedro Alvarenga, Renata Sofia, Fabrício Santiago and Sabrina Rosa, directed by Isabella Teixeira, Juh Almeida, Augusto Lana and Matheus Senra, with general direction by Cristiano Marques and artistic direction by Paulo Silvestrini.
Go in Faith: Find out how Dora’s death will be
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