Flamengo fan is released after Justice identifies true perpetrator of death of Palmeiras fan

by James Williams
Flamengo fan is released after Justice identifies true perpetrator of

Flamengo fan is released after Justice identifies true perpetrator of death of Palmeiras fan

Justice revoked this Wednesday (12), the arrest of the Flamengo fan Felipe Xavier Santiago26 years old, arrested for the death of Palmeiras fan Gabriela Anelli, on Saturday (08). The license was issued and he left the Provisional Detention Center (CDP) from Pinheiros, in São Paulo at around 5:40 pm.

The fan had been arrested since last Saturday suspected of having thrown a glass bottle that would have hit and caused the death of the 23-year-old Palmeiras fan in the vicinity of Allianz Parque, in SP.

The court’s decision also orders that the inquiry be transferred from the Police Station for the Repression of Sports Intolerance Crimes (drade) for the Department of Homicide and Personal Protection (DHPP), also from the São Paulo Civil Police.

The judge, Marcela Raia de Sant’Annawhich revoked the arrest of the Flamengo fan, criticized the handling of the case by the delegate Cesar Saadwho said in an interview that Santiago had confessed to having thrown the bottle that hurt Gabriella, which the fan denies.

Contrary to what was reported and stated by the police chief, the accused did not confess to having thrown the bottle at the opposing team’s fans. (…) In his interrogation, he denied that he had thrown any glass object at the Palmeiras fans, stating that he had ice cubes in his hands, which he threw in retaliation to the rockets that the Palmeiras fans would have thrown at the Flamengo supporters.’ said the judge.

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The court granted the request of the public ministry (MP) from São Paulo who had asked for the suspect’s freedom this Wednesday morning. According to the prosecutor Rogerio Leao Zagallothe evidence indicates that it was another Flamengo fan who threw the glass bottle that hit Gabriela.

The images indicate, according to the prosecutor, that it is a man with a beard who was wearing a light-colored blouse on the day of the confrontation, characteristics that differ from those of Santiago.

According to the decision of the Court, “everything indicates, therefore, that the bottle that fatally killed Gabriella was thrown by someone other than the person charged, which leads to the immediate revocation of his preventive detention, with the continuation of investigations so that the true perpetrator is identified, as well as so that possible participation of the defendant is investigated“.

In addition to Santiago, the Civil Police are investigating, using a facial recognition tool, at least ten people involved in last Saturday’s confrontation.

According to investigations, the Palmeiras fan was injured by shrapnel from a glass bottle thrown during the fight. The bottle would have broken and hurt Gabriela’s neck, who couldn’t resist and died on Sunday (09). The young woman’s body was buried yesterday (11) to applause and chants from the Palmeiras fans.

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Featured Photo: Montage with a photo of the suspect with the Palmeiras fan. Playback/G1.

Flamengo fan is released after Justice identifies true perpetrator of death of Palmeiras fan

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