Arthur Aguiar pays tribute to his wife Maíra Cardi and daughter Sophia

by Xavier Catherine
Arthur Aguiar pays tribute to his wife Maíra Cardi and

Arthur Aguiar pays tribute to his wife Maíra Cardi and daughter Sophia

Last Tuesday (24), overcoming criticism and destructive speeches, actor Athur Aguiar drew attention during an audiovisual production with partnerships. The former BBB has been harshly attacked by the public who consider him excessively out of tune, in addition to continuing to deal with the bad reputation acquired by his history of betrayals in his marital life.

The artist has shown that even with a past marked by failures with his wife, family life has developed very well, especially when it comes to his relationship with Maíra Cardi.

During the time in which her husband was confined participating in the reality show Big Brother Brasil, Maíra, in addition to the criticism she received for choosing to forgive Arthur, accumulated controversy by exposing her thoughts and considerations regarding the couple's private life.

After leaving the reality show, the criticism remained intense, but the couple reacted like good partners who do not allow themselves to be affected by what comes from outside the family. Showing a lot of passion, both continued their relationship, showing that they only care about the family's well-being.

Arthur Aguiar during presentation (Photo: Reproduction/O Dia).

During Arthur's presentation, the young man surprised the audience by displaying tattoos made in honor of his family. On his left chest (perhaps referencing the heart) the actor engraved the name of his wife Maíra, and on his arm, near the wrist, the ex-BBB engraved the name of his 3-year-old daughter, Sophia.

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Although he is only 33 years old, Arthur has already had a career that has been extensive enough to collect both good things, such as fans and success, as well as negative things, such as destructive criticism and controversy. In this sense, he needed to be firm in his goals and, in view of this, he said that he is currently only concerned with following his dreams instead of getting lost listening to negative comments.

Arthur considered that his expectations are high in relation to what he is experiencing, and he also explained that his reasoning consists of the idea that if God has placed a desire in his heart, he should follow that desire because God will fulfill it. He also added that it is necessary to focus more on what is inside him and less on what people say.

Featured Photo: Arthur Aguiar and Maíra Cardi. Reproduction/

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Arthur Aguiar pays tribute to his wife Maíra Cardi and daughter Sophia

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