Average price of Renault Kangoo insurance

by James Williams
Average price of Renault Kangoo insurance

Average price of Renault Kangoo insurance
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Do you want to have a good car in your garage but are you worried that the average price of Renault Kangoo insurance won't fit into your budget? We have selected some quotes here. Check out!

The Kangoo is a car for those looking for a multipurpose vehicle, which can be used for both commercial and leisure purposes.

Inside it is quite comfortable and spacious, however, the space is not just restricted to the occupants, the trunk also has a good capacity.

When driving, it is a stable car and means that the driver does not get tired easily due to the space and comfortable seats.

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What is the average price of Renault Kan insurancegoo

The average price for Renault Kangoo insurance is R$2,300.00. But this may vary due to some characteristics of the vehicle, driver and also depending on the coverage contracted.

A car with so many positive features needs to be well protected, which is why you need car insurance.

To get an idea, see the Renault Kangoo insurance price simulation for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, among other years.

Here you will see some real examples to better understand this variation, obtaining the average price of Renault Kangoo insurance for different models.

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2018 insurance?

The average value of Renault Kangoo 2018 insurance is R$6,100.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2018Federal DistrictR$ 2,690.00

What is the average cost of Renault Kangoo 2017 insurance?

The price of Renault Kangoo 2017 insurance is R$3,000.00, on average. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2017ParanáR$ 3,447.63

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2016 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2016 insurance is R$2,800.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2016Male, 42 years oldParanáR$ 2,609.40

What is the average cost of Renault Kangoo 2015 insurance?

The price of Renault Kangoo 2015 insurance is R$3,200.00, on average. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2015Male, 64 years oldParanáBRL 2,280.24
Kangoo Express Hi Flex 1.6 16V 2015Female, 49 years oldPernambucoR$ 1,903.57

What is the average price of Renault Kangoo 2014 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2014 insurance is R$2,500.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2014Male, 62 years oldParanáR$ 1,898.72

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2013 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2013 insurance is R$2,200.00. Check out the table!

Mini auto insurance dictionary
ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2013Male, 49 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,523.44
KangooExp.Flex 1.6 2013Female, 45 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,916.07
Kangoo Express Hi Flex 1.6 16V 2013Male, 49 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,523.44

What is the average price of Renault Kangoo 2012 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2012 insurance is R$3,500.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2012Male, 52 years oldSanta CatarinaR$ 1,878.18

What is the average price of Renault Kangoo 2011 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2011 insurance is R$2,200.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Authentique Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2011Male, 38 years oldMinas GeraisR$ 2,259.01
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2011Female, 44 years oldParanáR$ 1,920.82

What is the average price of Renault Kangoo 2010 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2010 insurance is R$2,000.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Authentique Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2010Female, 33 years oldParanáR$ 1,893.83
Kangoo Express Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2010Male, 63 years oldSanta CatarinaR$ 1,586.63
Kangoo Sportway 1.6 16V Hiflex 2010Male, 42 years oldSanta CatarinaR$ 1,326.72
Kangoo Express 1.6 16V Hi Flex 2010Male, 81 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,358.48

What is the average price of Renault Kangoo 2009 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2009 insurance is R$1,900.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Authentique Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2009Male, 49 years oldSanta CatarinaR$ 1,825.15
Kangoo Express 1.6 Flex 2009ParanáBRL 3,070.41

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2008 insurance?

The average value of Renault Kangoo 2008 insurance is R$2,100.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Authentique Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 2008Female, 35 years oldParanáR$ 1,541.56
Kangoo Expression Hi-Flex 1.6 16V 5p 2008Female, 40 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,387.75
KangooSportway 1.6 16V Hi Flex 2008Female, 74 years oldSão PauloR$ 2,122.65
It's worth paying for the extra coverage

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2007 insurance?

The average value of Renault Kangoo 2007 insurance is R$1,600.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Expres.SPORTWAY 1.6/1.6 Hi-Flex 2007Male, 58 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,110.04
Kangoo Sportway 1.6 16V Hiflex 2007Female, 74 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,188.34
Kangoo Authentique 1.6 16V 95cv 2007Male, 40 years oldParanáR$ 1,899.15

What is the cost of Renault Kangoo 2006 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2006 insurance is R$1,700.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Authentique 1.6 16V 95cv 2006Female, 45 years oldParanáBRL 2,654.25
Kangoo Express RL/ Express 1.6 16V/8V 2006Male, 44 years oldParanáBRL 2,099.62

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2005 insurance?

The price of Renault Kangoo 2005 insurance is R$1,500.00, on average. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express RL/ Express 1.6 16V/8V 2005Male, 44 years oldParanáR$ 1,962.94
Kangoo Express 1.6 16V 4P 2005ParanáR$ 1,929.20

What is the cost of Renault Kangoo 2004 insurance?

The average value of Renault Kangoo 2004 insurance is R$1,700.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express RL/ Express 1.0 16V/8V 2004Female, 51 years oldParanáR$ 1,660.04
Kangoo Rt 1.0 16V Gas. 4P 2004Female, 51 years oldSão PauloBRL 888.05

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2003 insurance?

The price of Renault Kangoo 2003 insurance is R$1,800.00, on average. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express RL/ Express 1.0 16V/8V 2003São PauloR$ 2,382.77
Kangoo RT 1.0 16V 70cv 5p 2003Female, 44 years oldParanáR$ 1,248.79
Kangoo RL 1.6 8V 2003Female, 44 years oldParanáR$ 1,334.82
Kangoo RN/Expression 1.6 16V/1.6 8V 5p 2003Male, 35 years oldParanáBRL 2,689.72

What is the cost of Renault Kangoo 2001 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2001 insurance is R$1,700.00. Check out the table!

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ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo RL 1.0 8V 2001Female, 56 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,134.60
Kangoo RL 1.6 8V 2001Male, 45 years oldParanáR$ 1,506.12
Kangoo RN 1.0 8V 2001ParanáBRL 2,907.55
Kangoo Express RL/ Express 1.0 16V/8V 2001Female, 57 years oldParanáR$ 1,394.94
Kangoo RN 1.0 8V 2001ParanáR$ 2,986.83

What is the price of Renault Kangoo 2000 insurance?

The average price for Renault Kangoo 2000 insurance is R$1,700.00. Check out the table!

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Kangoo Express RL/ Express 1.6 16V/8V 2000Male, 62 years oldRio Grande do SulR$ 1,491.01
Kangoo RN/Expression 1.6 16V/1.6 8V 5p 2000Female, 40 years oldParanáR$ 1,755.79
Kangoo Express RL/ Express 1.6 16V/8V 2000ParanáBRL 2,723.74
Kangoo RL 1.6 8V 2000Male, 37 years oldRio Grande do SulBRL 916.10
Kangoo RN 1.0 8V 2000ParanáR$ 1,827.08

*Source: Segfy and Seguro i. Consultation carried out in: July/2018.

What we can see in these cases is that there are no major variations in values, although they do occur, considering here the Renault Kangoo insurance simulation with different customer profiles.

It is worth emphasizing that this only includes simulations carried out by real customers, but this may not be the same as what you will pay in terms of Renault Kangoo insurance.

But you can find out how much you will pay by quoting here at Afrilatest. Just fill out a form to receive plans and prices from the most reliable insurance companies on the market.

How to get a quote for Renault Kangoo insurance

To avoid having to rely solely on value assumptions, it is possible to get a personalized Renault Kangoo insurance quote.

To do this, simply fill out the form on the website, with all the requested data so that the best insurance for your profile can be verified.

By doing this, you will receive the price for Kangoo car insurance from the best insurers on the market and you will be able to choose the one that best meets your needs.

Average price of Hyundai Azera insurance

It is worth knowing that on our website you will obtain plans from insurance companies registered with Susep.

When choosing, simply sign up for the service, knowing exactly how much you will pay and no longer relying solely on the average price of Renault Kangoo insurance.

How is the price of Renault Kangoo insurance calculated?

The price of Renault Kangoo insurance is calculated based on information about the customer and their vehicle. In other words, insurers ask you to fill out a questionnaire to obtain such information.

This questionnaire contains questions about the driver's age, address, length of driving license, among other information. In addition to information about the vehicle, the insurance company will also carry out an inspection.

Only after the company obtains this information will it be possible to calculate the Renault Kangoo insurance price.

And don't forget that it is essential not to omit any information to avoid the risk of harm.

If in doubt, talk to your insurance broker to resolve them. Take advantage and find out about the Renault Kangoo insurance deductible.

* Afrilatest is not responsible for the amounts mentioned here, as the price of insurance may vary depending on the profile of each driver.

Average price of Renault Kangoo insurance

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Average price of Renault Kangoo insurance


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Average price of Renault Kangoo insurance

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