Babi Beluco participates in the sustainability race in São Paulo
Babi Beluco, the model and athlete, was in São Paulo last Sunday, the 23rd, to participate in the race promoted by a fitness brand, with a focus on sustainability. Alongside a powerful team of stars, the event aimed to make people aware of the importance of sustainability, and was attended by celebrities from the world of sports and fashion.
Babi Beluco, who is known for being one of the biggest references in the sport in Brazil, made a point of participating in the race alongside presenter Renata Kurten. Together, they covered almost 10 km of route with a lot of drive and determination, inspiring everyone present to overcome themselves at every step.
In addition to the race, the event also featured an exhibition of the Fitgreen line, which prioritizes sustainability through recyclable fabrics in fitness fashion in Brazil. The exhibition showed participants how it is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle and care for the environment at the same time.
In the end, Babi Beluco, Renata and the other athletes present celebrated the conquest of yet another challenge and, above all, the opportunity to get together in support of such an important cause for the planet.
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Babi Beluco participates in the sustainability race in São Paulo
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