Brazilian designer Paula Raia's fashion show brings back childhood and theatrical aesthetics
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Last Thursday (12), the “Eu Palco-Meu Tempo no Mundo” fashion show by Brazilian designer Paula Raia took place at the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo. The designer usually brings environments inspired by the world of dreams. Therefore, for this occasion, she chose to contemplate the classic magic of childhood memories.
“I Stage – My Time in the World” Collection
The “Eu Palco- Meu Tempo no Mundo” collection was designed by Branca Moura, in partnership with Eudora. The collection was responsible for bringing lace clothes and silk nightgowns to the models' bodies for the show, with the aim of reliving Paula's moments in her mother's room. Therefore, from eyes with eyelashes that refer to the theater and a more secular look that includes blush on the cheekbones marked the models' makeup.
According to Branca, the proposal is presented with the aim of representing the feeling a child has when entering a dressing room, discovering a different world.
Furthermore, Branca also explained that “Eu Palco- Meu Tempo no Mundo” was designed with the aim of bringing three different color styles. Therefore, it starts with pink, goes to wine and ends with red. Hairstyles linked to the children’s universe, resembling doll bows and the aesthetics of ballerinas and maximalist accessories that overflow with style were also part of Paula Raia’s show.
Importance of Paula Raia
It is worth mentioning that Paula Raia has been running her own business since 2010 and is currently one of the biggest names when it comes to handmade work in fashion. In São Paulo, she has her own studio where she creates her fashion together with seamstresses, pattern makers and designers.
One of the elements that are part of her life, architecture, occupies a large part of her life. And, for this reason, Paula sees clothes not only as mere items, but also as a house that moves, and through which we also express ourselves. In her fashion, the designer prioritizes comfort, raw materials and, above all, the proportion of everything she produces, so that she can provide the best for those who consume her art.
Featured Photo: “Eu Palco- Meu Tempo no Mundo” fashion show (Reproduction/Gui Takahashi)
Brazilian designer Paula Raia's fashion show brings back childhood and theatrical aesthetics
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Brazilian designer Paula Raia's fashion show brings back childhood and theatrical aesthetics