Courteney Cox reveals regret for not taking care of her skin when exposing herself to the sun

Courteney Cox reveals regret for not taking care of her

Courteney Cox reveals regret for not taking care of her skin when exposing herself to the sun

American actress, director and producer Courteney Coxnow 58 years old, revealed in an interview with Harper’s Bazaarwho regrets having been exposed to the sun without sun protection.

Courteney Cox in a scene from “Friends” (1994-2004) – (Photo: Reproduction/Getty Imagem)

The eternal “Monica Geller”, star of the American sitcom “Friends”, says that she would have liked to have been alerted when she was 20, about skin care and today, advises her 18-year-old daughter, Coco Arquetteon the dangers of exposing the skin to sunlight.

“The obvious sun care. Don’t lay in the sun and don’t fry. I always say to my daughter, Coco, ‘Your skin is amazing. Let me show you my cleavage.’ And she’s like, ‘Mom, I would never have that. skin type’. I’m like, ‘Ahem’. Your face you always look at; but you forget about your body. Use sunscreen and take care of your body”said the actress.

In the interview, she also spoke about what she thinks about the procedures that she has been adept at for years, botox and facial fillers — procedures that she had already stated that she regretted doing — “I don’t think botox is that bad. He disappears. Then fine; as long as you don’t get frozen, unable to move your face, react or show your emotions”.

Courteney Cox (Photo: Playback/Instagram/@courteneycoxofficial)

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In March, in an interview with the podcast Gloss Angels revealed that he felt he had exaggerated in some procedures, “You don’t realize you look a little weird, so you keep doing more – after all, it looks normal to you. You look in the mirror and say, ‘Oh, that looks good’… You don’t realize how you look to the outsider. “, admitted.

Courteney Cox said she felt relieved when she found out the procedures were removable.“Thank God they are removable. I made a lot of mistakes; and now, luckily… I managed to reverse most of it”celebrated.

Dangers of Sun Exposure to the Skin

Unprotected sun exposure is the main factor for premature aging of the skin. According to the dermatologist Lucas Mirandamember of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, in an interview with State of Minas, “Ideally, ‘enjoying the sun’ is not interpreted as putting on a bikini and lying exposed without protection to get a tan.”

Even with the use of sunscreen, the effects of the sun on the skin are cumulative, that is, they appear years later. The use of sunscreen is extremely important to protect the skin, but it is worth avoiding exposure at times when the sun is strongest.

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“Keep in mind that sunscreen is an essential ally and must be used daily, regardless of time and location. If the intention is to have a moment of leisure outdoors, it is even more important to pay attention to its correct use, complementing it with physical protectors, such as umbrellas, hats and knitwear with a sun protection factor, which can be used to soften harmful effects on the skin explains the dermatologist.

Featured photo: on the left, Coco Arquette and on the right, her mother, Courteney Cox. Playback/Getty Images

Courteney Cox reveals regret for not taking care of her skin when exposing herself to the sun

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