Dado Dolabella gives details of sex with Wanessa. Find out everything!
After Vanessa comment, on BBB 24, about their different sexual relationships with Dolabella Datathe artist opened up about the subject.
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A fan of tantric sex, Dado participated in the podcast “Papagaio Falante”, led by Sergio Mallandro It is Renato Rabeloand revealed that he has multiple orgasms, but without ejaculating.
Asked by Mallandro if he is masturbating while his girlfriend remains confined at BBB 24, Given away said that “ejaculating is a release of energy”. The son of Pepita Rodrigues and the deceased Carlos Eduardo Dolabella He also stated that it is possible to “enjoy without expelling the semen”.
“The act of ejaculating is one of the biggest releases of energy we have in life, especially for men. So I see (a lot of people) wasting a lot of energy. (If I don’t masturbate) I’m building up energy,” he said.
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He asked about his intimacy with Wanessa Camargo, Dolabella Data explained that tantric sex is different from conventional sex.
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“Tantric sex is something cooler than sleeping, leaving your hand on fire… Tantra is not just about sex, it's just that as sex is the greatest energetic exchange we have, tantra also talks about the sex,” he said, first.
Then, the artist reinforced the issue of energy: “It's about stimulating the maximum amount of energy and not letting go of that energy, it's about accumulating (the energy). You cum without ejaculating, you have multiple orgasms.”
Thus, the champion of the first edition of “A Fazenda”, shown on Record in 2001, also commented on the chakras to explain his sexual life.
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“The chakras represent each region that has an intersection of meridians, that within us we have several meridians that carry energies. The meridian carries energy to the brain. We have several chakras,” he said.
Dado continued: “So, the great thing about tantra is that you transmute the energy from the basic chakra (in your private parts) to the crown chakra (in your head). Transmute the energy that is down there to the head, then the explosion when it comes is much bigger”, he concluded.
Tantric sex in Chapada dos Veadeiros
Wanessa Camargo went beyond game tactics in conversation with Giovanna, Bia It is Alane. She talked about an intimate experience with tantra, in the company of her boyfriend, Dado Dolabella.
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Vanessa He mainly recalled the two being caught together for the first time, during the experience, held in Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiânia.
“I experienced tantra with him at a festival in Chapada dos Veadeiros. It was there that they took the first image of me and Dado together (…) We were doing an exercise together and I cried. I was crying. You will unlock things you can’t even imagine”, said the singer, who added: “You leave there without any fear of exploring your sexuality. It’s much more than sex, it’s self-knowledge, removing those shames that we always feel.”
Giovanna opined with a curious comment: “Yes, without putting anything into it”.
The singer continued giving details of the course: “It's an incredible experience, it's called I Love My Pussy, it would be 'I love my pussy'”.
What is tantric sex?
Tantra is a tribal philosophy that teaches sexual experience as a path to awakening Kundalini, the sacred energy of life. Tantric sex is described as a return to our origins and has time as its main ally, it cannot be practiced in a hurry.
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Like other theories, tantric sex also suggests some positions for ideal practice. They take into account the location of the man's chakras in relation to the woman's. The main chakras are seven energy points arranged along the spine.
According to experts, more than suggestions for a good sex, tantric sex offers knowledge about oneself and the other at the same time that it leads men and women to be both in themselves and in each other, providing quality pleasure capable of bring in its benefits a dreamed peace of mind.
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The emphasis on breathing and body awareness is one of the main features. Practitioners are encouraged to breathe deeply and focus on each sensation and movement during sex. This helps to increase the connection between partners and intensify the experience
“Orgasm retention,” which involves delaying orgasm to prolong the sexual experience, is another characteristic. This can be done through breathing and muscle control techniques.
Tantric sex also involves the practice of “energy exchange,” where partners focus on exchanging positive sexual energy during sex. This can be done through looks, touches and loving words
Dado Dolabella gives details of sex with Wanessa. Find out everything!
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