Daniel Alves is sentenced by the Spanish court in the rape case
After a year in prison, and two weeks after the trial, the case of the former Brazilian football player was decided this Thursday morning (22). Daniel Alves was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison for sexual assault against a woman.Â
Everyone involved in the process was called to the court of justice, located in Barcelona, Spain. The player Daniel Alves, Inés Guardiola, the player's lawyer; The victim's lawyer and prosecutor Elisabeth Jiménez were present to hear the judge's decision.
Former Barcelona player was sentenced to prison for rape (Photo: reproduction/otempo)
Ex-player's complaint and arrest
Daniel Alves was in a nightclub in Barcelona on December 30, 2022, where he committed sexual assault against a 23-year-old woman who was in the nightclub's bathroom. Almost a month after the complaint, on January 20, 2023, the former right-back was detained when he appeared to give a statement.
Since then, Daniel contacted a lawyer called Cristóbal Martell, well known in Spain for having won big cases, but the lawyer left the case after considering “lost case“. From then on, the person who started defending Daniel was Inés Guardiola.
Reduced sentence
The Public Ministry of Spain asked the player to be detained for 9 years, but an amount of 150 thousand euros was paid which, converted into Brazilian currency, amounts to around 800 thousand reais, a type of compensation. o The victim. So, it was right that the player was sentenced to a maximum of 6 years in prison.
After serving the sentence, the convict will have five years of supervised release, with restrictions, being prohibited from communicating with or approaching the victim.Â
Featured photo: Daniel Alves in court, in Barcelona, on the third day of the trial (reproduction/metropolis)
Daniel Alves is sentenced by the Spanish court in the rape case
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