Deolane Bezerra receives release warrant and is released, according to portal

by James Williams
Deolane Bezerra receives release warrant and is released, according to

Deolane Bezerra receives release warrant and is released, according to portal
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According to Portal Holanda, Deolane Bezerra was released on Friday (6), after spending two days in the Women's Penal Colony in Recife. She is being investigated for possible involvement in money laundering, by sponsoring a gambling app. The police are investigating her connection to a gang suspected of laundering R$3 billion.

Understand the case

The Court of Justice of Pernambuco (TJPE) decided, in a hearing on Thursday (05), to keep lawyer and influencer Deolane Bezerra, preventively arrested, as well as her mother, Solange Alves Bezerra. The two were arrested on Wednesday morning (04), during Operation Integration, which investigates a gang that moved around 3 billion reais from illegal games.

Preventive detention maintained

In a videoconference hearing on Thursday (05), at the Recife Custody Hearing Center, it was decided that Deolane Bezerra and her mother Solange Alves Bezerra would remain in preventive detention. Both are being held in the Recife Women's Penal Colony, located in the Iputinga neighborhood.

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In addition to Deolane and her mother, the court also decided to keep Maria Bernadette Pedrosa Campos in prison, who is the mother of Eduardo Pedrosa Campos, one of those investigated in the same operation.

Habeas corpus petition

Arguing that Deolane's preventive detention was illegal, her lawyers filed a habeas corpus petition, but Judge Cláudio Jean Nogueira Virgínio decided to reassign the case to another judge, Eduardo Maranhão, of the 4th Chamber, so that he could analyze the petition. At the time of writing, the petition had not yet been judged.

Deolane arriving at the IML to undergo a forensic examination

Deolane arriving at the IML to undergo a forensic examination (Photo: Genival Paparazzi/AgNews)

Deolane Bezerra was arrested on Wednesday (04), at her family's home in the Boa Viagem neighborhood, in Recife, in an operation that investigates a gang for money laundering and illegal gambling. The reasons for the arrest of the influencer and her mother were not revealed, nor what their participation in the alleged crimes would be.

According to the court, around 3 billion reais were moved by the gang, which used currency exchanges and event companies to launder money from illegal gambling. The amounts were allegedly moved between January 2019 and May 2023, between checking accounts, cash and financial investments.

According to the conclusion of the investigation, the members of the alleged gang had a standard of living incompatible with the assets and income declared on their income tax returns. A total of 19 arrest warrants were issued.

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Featured Photo: Deolane Bezerra had her preventive detention maintained (Reproduction/Deolane Bezerra/X/@Dra_Deolane)

Deolane Bezerra receives release warrant and is released, according to portal

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Deolane Bezerra receives release warrant and is released, according to portal

#Deolane #Bezerra #receives #release #warrant #released #portal

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